PT 25

465 16 26

*Y/n's POV*
It's been about a week or more since the band came back. And now that they have, we've been able to record songs and get an album ready.

I walk in, exhausted from recording all day. It's 6 and the boys are usually back before me on their music work. I put my things down and go to the living room. I heard talking in the kitchen but I immediately plopped myself down on the couch and groaned. "Hey dot, how was the studio?" Tom said behind me, rubbing my back as he sat down on the couch.

"Exhausted, tired, weak, everything that is a synonym to the word, tired" I sighed into the pillow of the couch.

"Well, I'll make dinner tonight. Well let me rephrase, I'll buy dinner tonight then." He chuckled. I scoffed playfully until I felt nauseous. Yeah, this is what I didn't update you on. For the past week, I've been throwing up. I think it's a stomach virus but my mind isn't always right. But I ignore it just because I have things to do and get done. I immediately stood up, running to the nearest bathroom. I bent down as I threw up. Tom held my hair as it all came out. I sighed and flushed the toilet. Tom handed me a towel, and I cleaned my face. I stood up, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste to clean my mouth. All day I have been throwing up, more and more. I hated it. Could I be pregnant? No, I can't be.  "Y/n?" Tom only released a little inside me. "Y/n?" I can't be. Could I?

"Y/N!?" Tom yelled, waving his hands in my face.

"Huh?" I looked at him through the mirror.

"What were you thinking?" He leaned against the door.

I spat out the toothpaste and whatever and dried my mouth. "Tom....what if I am pregnant?" I looked at him. He stood up, getting a little unease.

"Do you think it's because of...the night I didn't....the night I-"

"Yeah, I mean I've been throwing up since 3 days after that."

"Well then, let's go get a pregnancy test. Maybe we could check." He suggested. I nodded my head. We walked out the bathroom and put our shoes on. "Bill! Wir sind gleich zurück!" Tom yelled. (We'll be right back!") We walked out and drove off in the car. It was silent. I kept thinking, what if I am pregnant? What would Tom do? Would he stay? Would he leave? What will I do? What about the band and my band and what if-

"Okay, we're here." Tom spoke, completely taking me out of my thoughts. Already? I really was into deep thoughts. We got off and walked into the pharmacy, going straight to the isle that had a pregnancy test. I really didn't think I was pregnant, I think it was a stomach virus. You can't throw up this much, can you? I just picked one, thinking that I wouldn't need more. "Just one?" Tom spoke up.

"Yeah, I don't think we need more than one. I really don't think I'm pregnant. Plus, we were in school as seniors and got cut off. We are barely still kids." I explained

"Okay." He shrugged his shoulders. We walked to the front desk to pay. We left after paying and drove home. I was still in deep thoughts, trying to convince myself I wasn't pregnant, which wasn't helping. We got out of the car and I went straight to the bathroom. I took the pregnancy and put it on the counter, not wanting to touch it or look at it. I left the bathroom, standing outside the door as Tom walked up.

*Tom's POV*

I do think she is pregnant. I released myself and completely forgot. I can't be dad, well I wouldn't mind being a dad to her children. As long as I'm with y/n, everything will be good. We'll take care of each other.

*Y/n's POV*
"Did you take it?" He wrapped his hands around my waist, slightly rubbing it with his thumbs.

"Yeah I did, we just have to wait." I sighed.

"You know I'll stay right. Always." He lifted up my chin.

I smiled. "Yeah, I know."

"Don't stress, you'll be fine. Plus you have an interview tomorrow with the band and a concert on Saturday for the start of your band. I'm sure you'll be fine!" He reassured me. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, but don't you have an interview coming up in a month or so?"

"Yeah but, it's not for a while." He shrugged. I paused. It's time to check. I looked up at Tom to give him a hint, and he released his hands off of me. I walked back into the bathroom as Tom followed behind. I picked up the test.

Negative -

I felt a relief come over me, but I also felt a guilt come over me. I sighed. "What does it say?" Tom said, anxiously.

"Negative." I stated, throwing it away.

"Then, why are you throwing up? Did you eat something bad?" He questioned. I shook my head side to side.

"No I've been eating good. Maybe we should go to the doctor. Maybe it's a stomach virus."

"Well we can't do it tomorrow because of the interview, so after the interview then?"

"Yeah, but maybe after the interview I'll take 2 more. Just to make sure." I suggested.

"Of course. Just know I'll stay here no matter what." Tom's eyes glistened. I smiled.

"I love you." I pulled him into a kiss. A smirk came across his face as he pulled my waist towards him. It's good to know that he supports me, through everything.

......come again? Pregnant is what I said. Yes. But you're not. But maybe you are. I guess that's what the doctors for. Xoxo 😘

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