PT 7

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*y/n's POV*
I woke up around 9 and took a quick shower. I got dressed, got everything and headed out. This time I felt no one watching me, I felt relieved at the feeling. As I made my way to a seat inside the airport, I checked the time. 10:23. I made it on time. But then I felt the feeling again. Someone is watching me. Fuck who is it? I looked around and didn't find anybody. The speaker went off. "Plane 839 is boarding." I stood up and quickly went through the things that were needed and required and headed into the plane. Placing my things where they needed, and sat down. The feeling soon went away as the plane went off into the sky.

*Georgs POV*
It's Tuesday now and last night, I helped the boys dig the whole time as Simone slept as everyone else. The whole was a size of about 3 apples smashed together. If we continue to work like that we will be out soon. I approached the table with coffee in my hand as Ricardo and his guys spoke. It was quickly interrupted as Ricardo's phone went off. He picked it up, making everyone silent. "Mhm....what do you mean....fuck.....alright bye." He hung up the phone slamming it on the table.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The guy I had y/n go to watch, he can't find her. He doesn't know where she is. He last saw her at the airport of California. Fuck!" He slammed his hand on the table.

"Do you think she is coming back here?" One of his guys asked.

"Uh I doubt it. After what Tom did she never speak to him". I spoke up. All eyes laid on me.

"Then it's fine. If we could get her location again then it's good." Ricardo said as he took a sip of his coffee. I almost thought the plan wouldn't go right. Of course y/n would come back. Its y/n. If you got to know her, you would know.

*Y/n's POV* (also let's just say you arrived in the like at 3)

As I got out of the car, I paid the driver. I walked to my old front door, and put the key in. As I opened it, dust filled the air. I coughed from the amount of dust there was. I closed the door behind me. I felt myself beginning to feel weak as I looked around. This is where we first came to Germany, everything was great. My parents were alive, I was in school, I was friends with Bill and the band. Nothing seemed wrong. But on the inside, it was all bullshit. I felt tears form in my eyes as I began to drag my belongings to my room. As I sat the bags by the door, I quickly shut it and went to my bed. I dusted it off before laying down in it, drifting to sleep with tears rolling down my face as I remembered how everything went to its best to its worst.

This one is short, like really short. This is the shortest I've ever written. But it is part of the process so PLEASE DO NOT COME FOR ME. Also probably the last one for today. But I love you guys. Xoxo 😘

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