PT 14

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*Tom's POV* (TW SH)

I woke up when I felt movement in the bed. I opened my eyes to see y/n cuddled into my neck with her arms hugged around my torso. I smiled at the fact how beautiful she looks. I missed this, and I'm just glad this is how it's going to be, it's definitely going to end well for both of us. Even though it's supposed to be a good day, I couldn't help but think why y/n would harm herself? She ain't one to do that, shes so confident and stands up for herself. But hurting herself is a different level. I wanted to know why but I don't want to make her upset. I'll just think about it later. But if you haven't noticed, this whole story is basically my point of view. Not because I'm trying to be selfish, but to show you My True Beauty.  I got out of bed not waking y/n up, and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I didn't put a shirt on because I was too hot from the heat of summer. After I went downstairs to see it was 8 so why not make breakfast. I know that my cooking is good but not the best like y/n. Like on our first date I thought in-n-out BUT it's only because I accidentally burnt the pasta I was going to make, I swear! Anyways, I decided to make crepes because I'm pretty good at those. In the middle of making them, everyone came down after one another within 2 minutes between each person. As I finished all of their plates, I cut strawberries and placed them on each one, powdering them afterwards. I placed all of the plates on the table, with a side of orange juice for the boys and two cups of coffee for the ladies. "Leute! Das Frühstück ist fertig!" I yelled, telling them breakfast is ready. Y/n still hasn't woken up so I went to her room. She was peacefully sleeping. I walked up to her, sitting at the edge of the bed. I lightly pushed her hair behind her ear. "Hübsch, it's time to wake up." She made a small groan before opening her eyes.

"Hübsch?" She opened her eyes.

"It means pretty in German." I chuckled. Her lips turned into a smile, with a tint of redness on her cheeks. I gave a cheeky smile back and patted her head. "Come on, let's go eat." I got up so she could take her time getting up. I felt her stares into my back, I know her too much to know she would be staring at me like that. I laughed as I walked back into the kitchen. After about 2 minutes she came down in a sports bra and biker shorts. Of course, being myself, I checked her chest. She has a nice body, but a wonderful personality. Everything about her makes me crazy. I looked over to the boys to see them checking her. I kicked all of them under the table .




You can guess which one said which;)

I heard a laughter from y/n as they all cussed. "Hey! Pass auf deinen Mund auf!" My mother snapped at them. I laughed again as my mom gave me a glare, quickly adjusting myself to a serious face. I felt y/n sit next to me.

"You made this?" She looked up at me.

"Yes, I did." I smiled.

"Smells good. Let's just hope it tastes as good." She winked at me. I pretended to be hurt by putting my hand against my chest and scoffing.

"Ouch! Next time I won't be making anything then." I pretend to flip my hair as a sassy girl, making y/n laugh and turning away with food in her mouth. All of us laughed as I did what I did and began talking about how we slept and whatever.

"So what are the plans for today?" Gustav asked.

"Well, I got a call for court, next Wednesday is the day for settlements since he has been out in jail for the things he has done already." My mom spoke. I hated that I had to see Ricardo one more time. I hate it. I hated him.

"Oh um, next Friday is the funeral for my parents. But I'm not so sure what to do yet." Y/n looked away from us as she said.

"Honey...your parents passed away?" My mom asked. She didn't know, none of us told her why she left.

"Yeah um, they had an accident with their work trip they were on." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry honey."

"It's fine." She took another bite of her food. "But what about your guys music, I mean the new album? People don't know where you've been?" She changed the subject.

"Oh, I called yesterday to our manager, she said we didn't need to do any work within 2 weeks because we already finished the songs and also because we were still debating on releasing it or not." Bill said.

"Debating? You guys don't know if you're going to release it?" Y/n looks at me confused. She doesn't know that this whole album is all about her. Several songs I made, I called them 1000 oceans, Reden, Monsoon and more. (let's pretend they are in those albums and they are about y/n).

"Oh uh, we now know we are but before we didn't." I said.

"Oh okay."

Some time later, everyone finished their food. I grabbed all their plates and put them in the sink. "Tom's never done this, for anyone y/n. You're something different for him, I'm glad you guys made up." I heard my mom say. I pretended not to hear to see y/n's response. 

"I'm glad I met all of you, especially Tom. He means everything to me. I don't want to risk losing it again." I smiled and looked back to see them looking at me. They both looked away trying to play it cool. I laughed as they pretended to play it off.

"Y/n, go get ready ok." I looked back at her. She nodded and said something to my mom before she walked off.

"You got yourself a good one you know." My mom said behind me.

"I know, I always knew." Shooting a smile.

*Y/n's POV*
How can I express myself without feeling like I'm going to explode! I feel so in love. I love him. I love Tom.

*Tom's POV*
As y/n waited in the living room for me to get ready, I took a shower. Changing myself into some baggy jeans with white big Tshirt. A white bandana around my head like I always had but with my new hair.

 A white bandana around my head like I always had but with my new hair

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something like this -->

As I finished,I walked downstairs seeing y/n and all the guys laughing. Watching from afar , she looks like a million dollars. Shes everything I wanted. "Ready to go?" I walked up to her.

"Yeah." She looks up at me. She got up, as we said goodbye to everyone and headed out to the car.

SUCH CUTIE PATOOTIES FR! I was dozing off a lot while making this but enjoyyy! Xoxo 😘

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