PT 5

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*Georgs POV*
As I woke up from someone shoving me, I rubbed my eyes. "Georg, we are going to go do some business. Keep an eye on them, as in now we trust you from what happened with you and Tom." I looked up to see Ricardo. I nodded my head.

"You got Ricardo." I spoke up to show him that he could 'trust me'. He nodded back and took all the guys out of the house. As I heard the cars screech from the tires going farther away, I stood up. I walked over to Tom's room where they were all in and opened the door slightly, not trying to make noise since it was 10 in the morning. As I walked in closing the door quietly, they were all still sleeping. I got some clothes that we had in the room and took a shower. As I got out dressed, I placed my dirty clothes in a pile we had. They were all still sleeping but they needed to get up already. I needed to know if they had come up with a plan. I walked over to Tom, his face was all bruised up from not only my hitting, but his father's. Actually not even a father, just a boy who was a man. Ricardo will never be named "man". To nobody. I shook Tom lightly, but he reacted very quickly as he opened his eyes and shot up. "Hey hey hey, calm down. It's just me" I said rubbing his shoulders. As he looked at me, he exhaled with relief. "Get in the shower, all of you. Your mom could rest but she needs to shower. Ricardo left for business, probably not going to be back for a while." I told Tom. He nodded his head as he gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry for what I did, i shouldn't have even questioned you would do such a thing like that. I'm sorry man." He slightly sobbed. I hugged back.

"You're a good man. But you don't need to worry about that, not right now. Shower and get everyone else to shower as I do something real quick okay." I patted his back as I left the room, closing the door slightly. I quickly went to Simone's room. It was pretty secret but behind her closet she had back up food and water. She kept it there in case of a situation like this. I grabbed a big grocery bag that was hanging on the wall and gathered snacks and food for them. They need to eat at all times, for strength and energy. I put candy, chips, bread, bananas, and strawberries. I walked over to the shelf with a drink and grabbed a pack of water and a pack of coke. I placed the cokes and food on top of the waters. I began exiting the room to go to theirs. I opened the door and placed everything by a shelf. As I turned around I looked back to see everyone awake, but Simone was still sleeping. "Sorry, before you say anything just get ready. I'll come back in a little. And don't get anything from here yet ok." I explained. They nodded their head frantically as if they were scared of me. I felt her but the way I had to act to gain Ricardo's trust is going to be worth it in the end. I walked out the room, into the kitchen and grabbed multiple forks and spoons and knives. Even though Ricardo would ask where they went, I would tell him that we would eat out all the time so we never bought a lot. I placed them on the counter and waited a little until I thought they were all done.

Time passed and I decided to go in already. I grabbed all the forks and whatever and walked over to their room. I opened the door and saw them all watching tv, even Simone. She looked better and her hair was wet, good she took a shower. All my eyes went to me as I closed the door. I placed the spoons and everything on the table that was in front of the tv, I turned around and the tv went silent from Tom turning it off. "Why did you bring those?" Tom spoke up.

"Because, you're going to make a hole into this wall right here. I pointed to the wall where it was on the side of the house."

"A hole, why?" He asked again.

"Because I know you guys couldn't have come up with a plan. Your face said it all when I came in. So they have trusted now. Like they trust me to keep an eye on you guys since what happened with me and Tom and how I reacted. But now you are going to use these to dig a hole in the wall. Big enough for you guys to fit and jump out.  You guys are always going to cover it up with a blanket during the day. You guys can only do this at night since nobody will come in. It's the only way." I explained to them.

"You're not going to hurt us?" Simone spoke up. Her voice sounded like she was loosing at it, making my heart ache.

"No, I would never. I'm only doing this as a way out. For you guys." I walked up to her, giving her a hug but careful since she still looks in pain.i felt her hug back tightly.

"Thank you Georg." She whispered.

"Always." I smiled. As I pulled away, I walked over to the food and drinks I had left. "Now this. This is your food storage. This should last a week, and this will only last a week because that's when we are getting out of here. I'm making sure we get out of here in a week ok." I looked at them. The boys came running up to me, pushing me slightly as they gave me a hug. I hugged back of course.

"Thank you Georg, really." Bill spoke up.

"Yes Georg, you're risking it for us, this means everything." Gustav sighed.

"It's for you. But you guys are making me go out of breath now." I said. They all pulled away, letting a smile and laugh out. I smiled back as I finally saw them happy. "For only an hour, you can start your hole. But only an hour for right now since they aren't here." I said patting Gustav's back.

"Okay, now get out of here and you do what you need to do." Simone said from the bed.

"Thank you again man, well make sure this is done." Tom said. We had handshakes as I walked out closing the door. This is going to work, I know it.

Juicy or what? Do you think the plan is going to work? I'm spoiling you guys btw because I only posted one yesterday. Xoxo 😘

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