PT 8

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*Tom's POV*
I was awakened to Georg shaking me, as well as everyone else but my mom of course. "What happened?" I sat up rubbing my eyes.

"Last night, Ricardo got a call from a guy in California. Supposedly that guy had been watching y/n for a while, and yesterday he said that she left somewhere but doesn't know where on a plane. They asked if she would come back and I said no but think about it. She-"

"She would come back. I know." I mumbled. Straight away I felt the world freeze again. I love her, I still do. But she can't come back. Not right now. It's too dangerous for her. My thoughts got interrupted as Georg spoke again.

"Yes, now they are trying to locate her again. They just left for the liquor store. But start digging, we will continue this later." Georg said, shutting the door behind him.

"Do you really think she will come back?" Bill asked.

I stayed silent. I know her, I know she would. "Yeah". I whispered.

"Its y/n Bill. Of course she would. She would never leave someone she loves and cares about with no real goodbye." Gustav spoke up.

"Okay, let's just dig now." I got up, taking the blanket off the wall revealing the hole. The hole is almost big enough for us. A little more hours should do the trick to get us out of here. I started digging aggressively, my mind on y/n. Is she coming back? Is she already here?

*Y/n's POV*
As I woke up from the sun hitting my face, it felt dry from all the tears I had shed yesterday. I looked over to the time, 10:36. I rubbed my eyes, pulling myself out of bed. I went to my suitcase opening it grabbing some pair of black tight biker shorts and a white crop top. I headed to the bathroom taking a shower and getting dressed. As I finished, I headed downstairs and started to dust somethings off a bit. I started with the kitchen. I handled the amount of it pretty well, but once I got to the living room, my throat felt like the Sahara desert from coughing so much. I couldn't cough so I decided to take a break. I headed back to my room, grabbing my hoodie and putting over my head, and my keys with my phone. I put my slides on and headed to the car. At the airport they told me to throw away my cigarettes I had carried. I needed a new pack so I drove to the liquor store. I got off when arriving, and immediately went to the front. "A pack of cigarettes please." I stated. The guy looked up to me, he was old but had facial hair, a lot.

"I.D please?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and pulled out 50 dollars.

"Take the money and give me the cigarettes."

He looked at me with a smirk before handing me a pack of cigarettes. As he did so, I felt eyes on me. Multiple. Like they were burning in my back. As he handed me the cigarettes, I turned around to see 3 men directly staring at me. The one in the middle had scars on his face and arms, filled with tattoos as well. I quickly looked away and headed out of the store. I rushed to my car to get into it. I glanced back to see them all getting into a car. I freaked out, and drove off. From the mirror I could see them following me. Who the hell are these people? What do they want? I took streets, turning trying to lose them. I felt myself panicking more when they started to come beside me. I quickly turned my car in the street, losing them. I felt myself loosen up and released a sigh. Who the fuck were they? I found my way back to the streets of my house. I got off the car, heading to the mail box since I didn't check it. I pulled out just one note. "Y/n" was written sloppy on the top. I gave it a strange look before closing the mail box back up and heading inside. As I entered my room, I sat on my bed pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. Lighting up the cigarette and inhaling it, I opened the note and began reading.

Dear y/n, I know my hand writing is sloppy and not very visible to read but it's me, Tom. You might be wondering how I am. I'm not great, at all. My father came back. I know it might seem good but it's not. My father was a domestic drug alcohol abuser and we had a rough time when we were little to him. He had gone to jail for what he had done but he has come back now. But forget him, I just want you to know that I love you. I still and always will. You mean everything to me. Like everything. You probably hate me, but if you ever do read this, just know what you saw, it was all a lie. Alyssa meant nothing. But you are something, to me. I love you, I always will.
Love Tom ❤️

I felt myself tearing up as I read those last words. I fucked up too. Not just him. As I began to cry, I grabbed my phone, putting out my cigarette. As I looked in the contacts for his name, I pressed on it. Should I text him? Does he even have his phone? What if his dad has it? Questions popped up after another one. Fuck it. I felt tears forming even more but heard a knock at the door. Confused on who it could be, I completely opened the door. It was them. Those guys that had followed me. "Hi, are you y/n" the guy with the scars and tattoos asked.

"Who's asking?" I spoke up, completely not trying to get myself killed if they need me.

"Oh well um, we just need to know if you have gotten a letter in the mail box?" What? How did they know about that? I felt myself zone out thinking of how they knew about that. Who are they? this...Tom's and Bill's father?

WAKE UP BITCHES IM BACKKKKKKK!!!!! Spoiling you guys today because you mean everything to me. But also everything that has happened that I announced like why I didn't post, is all good. I'm okay and everything. But be prepared.... Xoxo 😘

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