PT 4

697 21 9

*Y/n's POV*

My life has become hell since the night I left Germany.

I wonder how they are going to take it. I feel bad, I really do. But again it's for the best, for both them and me. It needs to end. They need to focus on their career, I can't be in the way. My career got done within a 3 days and I thought it was going. Who was I kidding?. The plane ride was pretty boring, I fell asleep half of the time. As I left the airport I searched for a hotel for me to stay at. I had enough money, at least for 5 months at least. My parents had a hard filled with money, about 3 thousand. I came across this hotel that looked like it wasn't the best but it was going to work for me. I got off the car and walked into the front to the desk. It smelt of cigarettes and shit. "I need a room." I spoke up to get her attention .

"For how long?" She gave a attitude.

"For 2 months." I said as she began to type in her computer.


"Y/n y/l/n"

"Okay, here's you key." She threw some keys at me. I rolled my eyes at her and began walking down a hall. I entered an elevator that smell like some one died in there, and pressed the second floor. As I reached the floor, the doors slid open. I walked up to my room. 36. I opened the door and the smell hit my face. It smelt like shit but it was bearable. I walked in setting down my things. Everything was decent, it was just the smell. I slammed the door and got straight into bed. I didn't feel like doing anything. I didn't want to do anything. I wanted to rot.

As days went on, I became worse.

I was walking to a liquor store. I had a hoodie and some sweatpants with shoes on. I've became a mess. It's been about a week since I came to California. I never thought it would come to something like this but I guessed myself wrong. As I walked in I went to the payment desk. "A pack of cigarettes please." I came here often since I started coming here everyday. The guy, who has become a small friend of mine, smiled giving me a dab up. He grabbed a pack and tossed it to me. I paid the money and nodded my head. "See yea Alex."

"Bye y/n". His low raspy voice said. He was pretty decent by his looks, but I'm guessing he just needs money. It was 8 in the night. At this time I went to a building I've been going to often to the top of the roof. As I went on the roof, I sat down, looking at this beautiful view I had infront of me. I felt a this warmth come over me. I began to feel warm and safe. Until it wasn't there no more, making my mind think of that no body cares.

"Just jump." I thought to myself. "Jump, everything will be over. No more pain. Not more thinking. Nothing." I thought. It kept replaying in my head as I hit the cigarette. Why did it have to come to this?

I blinked my eyes as I felt something was off. I opened my eyes to see myself in a dark room. A faint light on me, giving me a small view of my surroundings. It felt like I was in a void. It was a void thought, everything was black. I looked around to hear some arguing. I couldn't see anything. I started walking slowly in front of me to see an image of two people. It became less blurry as I walked closer. *THUD*. As I became closer, I saw him. I saw him drop to the floor as his shirt was ripped and blood dripping from his back. I looked up to see a man with a glass in his hand, breathing heavily. "Tom? Tom!?" I yelled. As I tried to go closer, the more they were farther until they disappeared. I began to feel myself cry as I fell to the ground. I felt a shadow go over me as I sobbed from seeing Tom so hurt. I looked up to see that man. The man that hurt Tom.

"Wake up."

I jumped out of my sleep. I felt a mixture of hot and cold rush over my body, I felt myself wet from sweating. My breathing was out of control as I stood up, rushing to the bathroom. I turned the sink on and splashed cold water over my face. What the fuck just happened? Why did I see Tom? Who was that man? These questions came over my mind as I began to control my breathing. Something bad is happening. But maybe I'm just overthinking. Maybe I just miss Tom so much, I think something bad happened to him. Why do I even care, it's not like he ever loved me.....

*Tom's POV*
I felt myself come to a stop when I felt a cold breeze hit me. I opened my eyes to see myself on a roof. A roof with a beautiful view in front of me as I glanced around, trying to figure out where I am. As I turned back around to face forward. There she was. Sitting at the edge of the roof, where if you were to jump off, you would die. I slowly walked over, afraid I might scare her. As I came closer, she hit her cigarette and blew it out to the air. I put my hands around her. She became relaxed as she was so tensed up. As she took another hit, her sleeve went up revealing her wrist. I gasped to see that there were multiple cuts, some forming into scars already, and some looking recent. No, not my y/n. It can't. I felt myself fall, making me jump out of my sleep. I was breathing so hard that everyone was already trying to reassure me. Bill, my mom and Gustav. As they kept asking if I was okay, all I could think of was her. My y/n.

I like this one. It seems more scary but serious and sad. Also everything that is slanted is past or happened the day of the time but was a small flashback. Xoxo 😘

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