PT 20

555 18 14

*Tom's POV*
I woke up at 10 and realized today is Friday, the day of the concert. I groaned because I was really tired but I thought I had enough sleep. I pulled the blankets off of me, dragging myself to get ready. About 30 minutes passed, and I was done. I checked my phone and saw a text from y/n.

Y/n ❤️😘 - hey, come to my room after yeah?

Tom - yeah, on my way

I flipped my phone down, and got everything I needed. I knocked on y/n's door. "It's open!" She yelled. I pushed the door open and she was looking at herself in the mirror.

"Almost ready?" I walked behind her.

"Yeah, there's a makeup artist over there right?"

"Yes, and a person for your outfit, me and the boys thought we would get you those two for the concert."

"You guys don't change over there?"

"No, we wear whatever we brought. But you're special, so we had to get you it." I hugged her from behind, giving a small kiss on her neck.

"Tom..that tickles." She giggled, moving her head away.

"Too bad then huh?" I smirked. She playfully rolled her eyes before pushing me away slightly.

"So when are we going to leave?" She sits on the bed.

"Uh the tour bus doesn't come until 10:55 and it's 10:35 so yeah." I sat at the edge of the bed. She sighed as she closed her eyes. "Are you excited for your song?" I asked. She looked down to me and smiled.

"Yeah, I am. But I'm also nervous. What if people don't like me? What if people start-"

"Y/n, nobody is going to think that. You music and voice is so beautiful. People are going to love, especially you." I winked. She gave a little laugh before she looked away to not show her red cheeks.

"You really don't stop flirting do you?" She smirked.

"Nah, not really when it comes to you."

"When it comes to me?" She gave a confused face but with a smirk.

"Isn't that what I just said?" I gave the same face. She rolled her eyes with a little giggle.

Silence filled the air, until she spoke again. "I'm glad we're ok again." I looked up at, she was already looking at me.

"I am too." I smiled.

We arrived at the venue at 11:10. We walked into the backstage room where we wait for usual time. "Y/n! Oh my god I can't wait for you to have your part!" Bill screamed while holding y/ns hands.

"I know me too! Finally everything is coming true." She smiled. Bill just embraced her with a hug and a big, I mean big smile on his face. He really does love her, but not more than me that for sure. We all started talking about how things work with the music to y/n. She was interested as she kept asking questions.

"So when doing-" she got interrupted by our manager.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but we need to do sound check. Come on." She motioned her hand to hurry up. We followed behind going onto the stage to do sound check. "Okay so pick a song for sound check for you guys then we will do y/n song for a practice and also sound check." The manager stated. I grabbed my electric guitar and tuned it. I played a few strings to make sure it sounded it. I look up to see y/n staring at me. I walked up to her as her she looked away a little embarrassed.

"Like what you see?" I whispered in her eye.

"No, I don't." She gave a cheeky smile and winker before pushing me aside and going next to Bill. I scoffed, smiling.

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