PT 11

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It was him.

I quickly hugged back, feeling the world freeze, as if we were the only two people on earth. I felt him caressing my head and his hug got tighter. "It's ok, it's ok." I hugged just as tight, my breathing getting calmer and calmer without realizing. That was Tom's specialty. He was able to calm me down just by his touch, or his presence.

"I'll leave you to it as we ask questions from your mom." The officer spoke. I felt Tom nod his head and sat more comfortably, holding onto me. As he sat down with his legs out, I still held him climbing into his lap, hugging him more tightly. We sat in silence as they asked questions to Laudia. The ambulances arrived. The police separated me and Tom, taking me to one of the ambulances back to check on me since their dad grabbed me. They did the same to Laudia and Tom. I looked at Tom from afar, why would they need to check him? I heard the ambulance person speak.

"You're all good. Here's ice, leave it on there because your head is red from the amount it was pulled on." I nodded as he walked away. I had been covered up in a blanket. I pulled out a cigarette, this was another way for me to feel calm without Tom. That's why I always did it. As I lit it up, taking an inhale, I felt his eyes on me. I knew it was his.

*Tom's POV*
As they checked on me from my beating of Ricardo, I looked over to y/n. I watched as she took an inhale of the cigarette she just lit up. This wasn't like her. Smoking cigarettes, daily basis of drinking alcohol. The vision I had seen always stayed in my head. The cuts on her arm. I felt like it was all because of me. But I know what I'll have to do. She means everything to me. I won't and don't want to lose her. As they scanned my back from the time I was cut, they cleaned it. "Whoever did this did an absolutely amazing job." The man who was taking care of me spoke.

"Yeah, it was my mom." I winced from the burning sensation that I felt as they cleaned.

"Well she did good, but make sure you clean it on a daily basis so it doesn't get affected. I will have to wrap this bandage on you for now until you take another shower just because of requirements." He explained. I nodded my head, taking off my shirt fully. As he finished bandaging me up, I looked over to see the police questioning Georg, Gustav and Bill. My mom was being taken care of for how her health is. "Okay all good." He said, giving me a small smile and walking away. I wrapped a blanket over me to not feel cold. I look up at y/n again, still smoking. I could see her glossy eyes from here. It's time to talk to her, she needs it. I got up from the back of the truck and started walking towards her. As I came closer, she looked up. Her eyes were beautiful as I remembered. I immediately pulled her into a hug, getting a whiff of her smell. Cigarettes and a mix of her perfume. I missed her. I heard her sob a little as I caressed her back.

"I'm sorry." I spoke up. "I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. From you smoking to you having to be here. I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry for what I've done." I felt my eyes tears up. She slowly pulled away, looking up at me. The eye contact felt like it was just us two in the whole world.

"Tom, not now ok. It's just us." She placed her hand on my cheek. She pulled me back into a hug. I needed this. We needed this. As we hugged in silence once again, I felt us almost tower over due to Bill, Gustav and Georg running behind us hugging.

"Y/n!" They all hugged us in a group.

"Hey guys." Her raspy voice said. She stood up as they pulled away, putting her cigarette out. As she looked up, she went to Gustav giving him a hug. I understood why Gustav was mad. I know what relationship they have had since we talked about it. I'm glad she had Gustav, I knew he took care of her.

"Oh how I missed you."Gustav said into her neck. He sniffled pulling away, giving a kiss on the cheek. Y/n then turned to Georg. Georg picked her up, squeezing her.

"Hey kid." Georg said.

"Hi Georg."

Lastly came Bill. Bill pulled her into a hug, taking the breath out of her and she gave a light laugh and sighed. "Oh Bill." She said.

"Don't ever leave me. Ever." He sobbed onto her shoulder.

"I won't. Not anymore." She pulled away giving a smile and kiss on the cheek. The police officer came to us with my mom

"Your mom is fine, she has been getting well taken care of. So you are all able to go home. We will be taking you there. Is there a place?" The officer asked.

"Mine. We could go to mine." Y/n said.

"Alright, let's go then." We all followed behind the officer. I sat with y/n, my mom and Gustav, Georg and Bill sat in another car. As we got in, y/n quickly placed when hands around my waist hugged into me. I played with her hair as we drove off. Looking at her made me realize how much I missed this. All of it. But it's time to fix everything. But that can be saved for tomorrow.

Awww, this is cute. The plan worked! How do you guys like it so far? This is the last one for today. Xoxo 😘

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