PT 23

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*Tom's POV*

"You think you could just beat me huh?"

"Actually yea I do think I can, but I already did." Y/n gave a smirk.

"Mmm no, not really." I shook my head side to side, pouting out my lips in a pit.

"Oh really, how so?" She closed the monopoly box, setting it on the table standing up.

"Like this." I stood up and threw her over my shoulders, walking into the bedroom.

"Tommmm" she giggled. I shut the door behind us, locking it, and walked up the bed. I threw her on the bed, as she laughed with a smile. She knew what was going to happen. She put her elbows to the bed, supporting her up. "Like how again?" She gave a fake concern. I smirked as I got on top of her, pushing my lips against hers. Her lips are soft, a puzzle piece to mine. I pushed my tongue in her mouth, as she let out a small moan telling me she liked it. She slid hers in, as our tongues collided together. Her hands on my face, pulling the kiss deeper and deeper, our breaths getting heavier and heavier. She began to pull up my shirt, wow she can't wait huh. I took off the shirts, throwing them on the floor. I put my head in her neck, giving small kisses as a tease. Her heavy breathing against my shoulder, wanting for more. As one of my hands was on the bed for support, the other was slowly grazing her thighs in the tight booty shorts she was wearing. "Please Tom." She whispered l, her hands on my back.

"Patient dot." I pulled away from her neck. I picked her shirt slowly up, watching her get impatient. She looked back up as she got impatient, her shirt up to her breast. I began to trail a small kiss on her stomach, and sides. My cold lip piercing touching her shivered torso. As I was doing so, she took off her shirt, revealing her cleavage. I smirked, kissing her and watching her. She was impatient. I trailed up on her left side, going onto her chest, her left boob. Sucking slightly, whimpers came out but very small. My hand on her torso, going under her behind her back. Unclipping it with one hand as I was still sucking the slightest bit of her cleavage. She rolled her arms out of the straps, throwing the bra on the ground. My eyes watched as they jumped when moving her arm. They're beautiful, but not as much as her herself. I kissed around the nipple, getting them hard, while my hand went to her shorts. My thumb lifting up the waistband, grazing around the waist under the shorts. I felt shivers through her body when feeling her. I started to suck on the boob, leaving marks. One of her hands on my hair, and the other on the sheet, slightly gripping it. Sliding down her shorts, as she helped me a little, they came off revealing her set she had on. She must've known it would happen huh? I went up to her lips again, kissing her passionately. Before I knew it, she was on top. I hate to say this but I love to be dominant. I love to take control. But when it comes to y/n, she's the same, causing me to always be weakened by her control-ness in sex. She kissed my jawline as she had her ass on my waist, practically my dick. She was moving the slightest bit on my dick. Making me grunt a few times. She trailed down giving at least a lot of small hickeys on my body. My v - line showing, she kissed it in the shape as she unbuttoned my jeans. Pulling them down, onto the ground now. My boner now being shown, she looked up at me, creeping up the smirk.

"Need it that much Tom?" She winked. I scoffed slightly, until I felt her rub against my dick with her hand. Causing me to grunt. I can't let her get me first, not yet. She came back up, and I turned us around, now being the one on top.

"Can't be that easy y/n." I whispered in her ear, as I began to softly rub through her panties. She inhaled sharply, but small. I looked her in the eyes, our eyes making contact. I began to pick up the pace, not removing eye contact. Her heavy breathing, her eyes. I stopped as she was about to look away. I kissed her jawline, taking off her panties. She was now completely naked. Even just looking at her, my dick became harder. I opened her legs, still making eye contact with her.

"Please-" she spoke, as inserted two fingers in her. Pumping fast, I began to eat her out like she was a meal. "Ughhh." She grabbed my shoulder, the other hand gripping the sheet. I pumped fast, I slurped fast, still not looking away from her. Watching her head throw back, her mouth in the shape of a o. Her moans getting louder and louder and I pumped faster and faster. "T-tom, I-im going to cum." She breathed heavily.

"On my face then." I did it faster, as her legs began to twitch intensely. Her moans loudly, as she climaxed. I slowed down, as she finished up. Her chest went up and down as she felt pleased.  I pulled my fingers out, licking off her cum. "Taste wonderful, like always huh?" I smirked. Her eyes still closed, her breathing still heavy, I took off my boxers, throwing them to the floor. She opened her eyes and smirked.

"Your turn now." She pulled me into the bed, making herself top again. She slowly, but impatiently went to my v-line, giving the kisses she did before but very more teasingly as she touched the tip, slowly rubbing it. I felt her impatience now when she wanted me to hurry up. She knows the game. She looked up to me, eye contact now being held. She grabbed my dick, as it was lifted up already from being so hard. She started to rub the top, holding it up with the other hand as her index finger rubbed. She gave a small kiss to the side. Slowly starting to stroke it, she placed small kisses on the tips. I threw my head back, feeling myself burn up from the sensation of the tip. She really is teasing me now. She placed her tongue, licking the tip with pre-cum on it. She smirked as I looked down at her, she knew she was getting the tease out of me. She placed her hand on my balls, now sucking on my dick but very slowly and close to the tip. I couldn't take it anymore, so I pushed her head more down. Guiding her as SHE picked up the pace, faster and faster, gagging and gagging. Her mouth felt tight, but she handled it. One of my hands gently but tightly gripping on her hair guiding her, whilst the other on the sheets tightly ripping and gripping the sheets. She was too good, I've never felt this. Grunts came out of me. Rarely anyone could make me make noises, but y/n was one of a kind.

"Y/n." I whispered, I tensed. My jaw, feeling myself ready to release. "I'm going to cum." My head still back, my eyes closed shut as she hummed to my statement. She took her head out, stroking my dick fast that I cummed on her face, her mouth open as some landed on her tongue. I moaned, loud. I've never done that and not really to my surprise, she made me. I looked down as I finished, she swallowed my cum.

"Not too bad yourself." She winked. She got on top of me, pushing herself to my lips. I rolled us over, now it's time for the real game. You thought this was over? No, think again. Our tongues sliding into each other's mouth, being able to taste one another, I pushed myself into her, making her moan loud, her mouth opened. I grabbed her face making sure she made eye contact with me. I thrust in her, making sure to get all her good spots. She held eye contact with me, her whimpers making me go faster and faster by the second. She was so tight, it made me feel good. "Tom, d-don't stop." She whimpered. She began moaning really loudly. I couldn't keep eye contact anymore as I fell to her shoulder, my teeth into her skin. My elbow supports me up, but my other on has her waist as I keep going in her. I began to slightly bite on her shoulder as I felt myself coming to pleasure again. "I'm going to cum." She breathed heavily. I hummed to her statement, feeling the same. I started to grunt loudly, as her moaning got loud. Without realizing it, she came but I also did. I quickly pulled my dick out of her, already releasing on her stomach. I moaned loudly from the pleasure. I plopped beside her but quickly looked at her.

"Y/n...I...-" I breathed heavily.

"I's okay I don't think...nothing will happen." She interrupted me. As we caught our breath, I grabbed a towel from the bathroom, cleaning her up first and then me. I threw it on the floor, crawling back next to y/n as she cuddled in my chest. "If anything does happen, you'll be here for it right?" She asked, looking up to me.

"I would never leave you, ever." I pushed her hair behind her ear. She gave a smile, kissing my chest.

"Let's take a shower."

You guys owe me, BIG TIME! LIKE BIG BIG BIG TIME! this whole chapter is a fucking smut, but in all honesty I think I've done the best yet.... Xoxo 😘

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