PT 21

544 17 16

*Tom's POV*
I walked off the stage and got the flowers I had for y/n. I was finally going to ask tonight. "Good luck". My manager whispered to me, before walking back on stage. Y/n was facing the crowd so she didn't see me. I had a microphone in my hand.

B - well, looks like the crowd loves you y/n. But I also think he does too.

*Y/n's POV*

B - well, looks like the crowd loves you. But I also think he does too.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Bill nodded behind me, and I turned around to see Tom. He had a bouquet of roses, a lot. I gasped and looked at Tom. "Y/n, where do I begin. The most beautiful, fun, heart warm, protective, fierce girl, is you. And those are some things I love about you. Many more, a list. I could go on forever but that would take years I think. Lately we got really close, and I fell for you, hard. I know what happened before was a mistake, a big one. One I could never forgive myself for. But I love you. I really do. Y/n y/l/n, would you be my girlfriend?" I froze when he asked me. I was still in shock with my hand over my mouth. The crowd went silent, waiting to hear my answer. The boys went silent, I went silent.

"Of course, I would love too." I smiled. The crowd screamed with cheer as Tom picked me up and spun me around. I giggled as he stopped. Our eyes met with each other, his eyes full of happiness and love. I looked down at his lips, and I kissed him. Our lips are like a puzzle. The crowd screamed more and louder. I smiled between the kiss and pulled. "I love you too." He put me down and handed me the flowers from his hand.

"Thank you Germany!" He yelled, waving his hand. We all did the same as we walked off stage. I grabbed Tom's shirt and turned him around, pulling him into a kiss.

*Tom's POV*
She said yes. SHE SAID YES! FINALLY! I'm happy, I really am. It's crazy to think that I would never find true love, and here I am. With the most beautiful girl. We walked off stage as I held y/n's hand. I felt her pull my shirt, turning me to her as she pushed her lips against mine. I was stunned by the movement she made, but kissed her back immediately. "Okay love birds, get a room!" Bill said covering his eyes. I flipped him off as I was still kissing y/n. She put her hand over the faces. Kissing me one last time before pulling away.

"I really do love you." She said

"I know, who doesn't?" I smirked. She slapped my shoulder playfully before giving me a small peck and grabbing my hand, following the group into the backstage room. We all jumped on the couch, exhausted. Y/n laid her head against my chest as I played with her hair.

G - i am exhausted!

B - all of us are Georg. But we still have to do the vip signatures.

T - oh fuck, I forgot

Gv - me too

Y/n - me three

M - *opens the door* good job guys! Amazing as usual but y/n was better.

G - hey! I think I was the best of all of I must say *flips hair*

Y/n - in your dreams pretty boy

G - *rolls eyes sassy*

Everyone laughs.

M - I know you're exhausted but the line is here now, but not that many people. Come on, ass up!

We all got up and went to the line. There weren't that many like last time. We started signing, people even asked for y/n to sign. She was signing girls cleavage and everything they wanted. They were paying more attention to her than me, but who wouldn't. I mean just look at her.

"You're so hot y/n!"

"You guys are meant to be!"

"Marry me please!"

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