PT 34

573 20 36


July 23, 2023

Our honeymoon was amazing, like I loved it. Tom made so much effort in it. I couldn't ask for it anymore. He really showed me true love. He showed me his True Beauty. But you guys weren't able to see what happened huh? Well let's recap....

June 29, 2012

The whole day was amazing, we explored Italy and went to Lake Como. He treated me well. But it was my time to treat him well. We rented a beach house, it was very small but good enough for us. When you walked in, there was a porch. You walk in there are living rooms and a wall with one door frame to enter the kitchen. The wall enters a hallway with a bedroom and a bathroom. The bed was red sheets but not silky. But very romantic. Anyways...we were walking towards the beach house as we just got done watching the sunset. We were talking about what was happening right now with our kids. We left them with Bill who gladly took them. Bill was like a second father. We walked in and we went to the bedroom immediately. Tom sat on the bed as I set everything down. "Thank you so much Tom. I appreciate, all of it."

"Your welcome meine liebe. It's all my pleasure." He smiled at me. He was laying down, so it was my chance. I got on top of him and kissed him, passionately. It was a mixture of lust and love. He was shirtless since we just got back from the beach. I was wearing my bathing suit. We didn't go into the water at all. One of my hands was supporting me, while the other was rubbing his body, grazing everything. My hand slowly went down to his dick, and I slightly rubbed it. Softly. He groaned in the kiss. I began to trail hickeys, going further and further down his body to his crotch. I was teasing him with his v - line, as I took off his trunks. He was extremely hard as it stood up. I began to tease him with his tip. Licking it, grazing it with my index finger. His legs were getting tense from his impatience. "Y/n, please..." He whispered. It turned me on, he is begging? I licked his tip one more time as I stroked the rest of his dick. I put it in my mouth, and bobbed my head fastly. He groaned at the sudden pleasure. He grabbed my hair and pushed me further and further, guiding me. I felt his dick twitch, so I pulled it out of my mouth and stroked it once before pulling off my bikini top and bottoms. "woah woah, let me-"

"No, tonight is your night." I interrupted him. I sat on top of him, kissing him full of lust. While kissing him, I grabbed his dick, sliding it into me. I softly moaned as it entered. I pulled away, and started to ride slow as I kept contact with him. He was smirking and breathing heavily.

"Either way, you're still getting your pussy eaten out." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "just shut up." As I felt ready with his size, I started to jump up and down fastly. He grabbed one of my boobs, massaging it. Causing me to moan loudly. It's like he got bigger. The room was filled with moans. Mostly mine but you could still hear Tom's. One of his hands was placed down my hip and the other on my boob. Even though I was trying to be the dominant one, he wouldn't let it slide. He flipped us over, now he was in control. Before I could respond, I responded with a loud moan as he thrust into me."tommm" I moaned his name. He used one of his hands for support above me, and the other was rubbing my pussy hard and fast. It felt so good.

"Keep screaming my name, I like it." He began going faster and faster. Hitting all my good spots.

"Tom....I'm gonna cumm...." I moaned.

"Go ahead dot." I felt the pleasure of arriving. I moaned at last while we both cummed, he cummed on my stomach of course. he fell over to my side as we caught our breath. He got up, got a towel and cleaned us up, me first. He laid next to me again, kissing my forehead. I faced him and caressed his cheeks.

"I love you Tom."

"I love you too."


Y/n was now famous for her band. She was known for her looks and talent on guitar and singing. She was unstoppable. As for her kids, they are about 13 years old now and got along well, just like Tom and Bill. Tom and Bill are still the number one duo of anybody. You guys all are still inseparable. Yet somehow they are all still looking for love, except for Georg and Gustav who have found it. You and Tom are still married and live together in LA. Bill lives by himself but visits very often. You bands lives together somewhere in California Pomona. Whilst Georg and Gustav live in their home town but visit when they can. You were truly happy with you life that you have now.

Did I ever make mistakes in our relationship in the beginning? Yes I did. Do I regret it? Of course. I hate the fact that I did those to y/n, but now I know that it was all worth it. I couldn't ask for more. She showed me what it was like to have love and passion for someone other than your brother. I was able to be myself around her. I was able to be My True Beauty.

My True Beauty

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