PT 3

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*Georgs POV*
Okay it's working good now. It's still the beginning but it just worked. "So Georg, tell me what has been happening these past years I've been gone." He took a sip, waiting for a response. Fuck, do I tell him? No I can't, that's just giving answers. Just lie.

"Well after you went to jail, we moved over here and continued with school and everything. And um, Simone she recovered quickly and began to work. And then we continued with the band and now we are well known, a lot. And we were doing good I guess."

He nodded his head in response. "And y/n?" I froze as he said her name. How does he know about her? I didn't say anything, nobody did!? Fuck, the letters she left. He must've looked at them.

"She was um, just a girl Tom was dating and she ran away because of something." I mumbled and looked down at the thought of her being gone. Maybe if she heard the situation out, it would've never come to this.

"Like, to another state?" He asked. I looked up and nodded. He lined lip became a smirk. "Well did she say where she went?" I nodded my head no, she never told us but if I guessed probably somewhere in the United States. I began to feel nervous.

"Maybe like in California or something." I fake chuckled, fuck! I probably just gave it away! I'm so stupid.

"Well it looks like we are going to need to locate her." He nodded his head as he stood up. I sat there thinking of what I just did. Was this right? Was this going to help us get out of here? He came with sticky notes, a paper and a pencil. He put it on the table and crossed his arms. "He's going to write a note for her, as soon as we find her we send it. I will-" he got interrupted by his ringtone going off. "uh, I have to take this. Take it to them and wait until he is done. Leave the door open though." He snapped at the end. I nodded as he walked out of the room.

*Tom's POV*
As we were watching tv, waiting for my mom to wake up. I never like to bother my mom's rest. The door opened. We looked to see Georg. He had papers in his hand and a pencil in the other. I stood up to see if he was okay and he threw the papers at me. His face became a grin. Behind him, my father appeared. "What's going on?" I asked, seemingly to see this going in a wrong direction.

"Well since you didn't take the offer of an excellent way out, Georg here did." He patted Georgs shoulder making his smile tug. I felt myself get heated. How could Georg did this? How could he leave for freedom? He was always by our sides and now he decides to not be? Especially now!? I charged at him punching him in the face. I know my mother and everyone stood up. But they didn't move closer, to afraid of my father. Georg pushed me back, hard enough for me to stumble. We continued to fight each other, fist to the face, fist to the stomach, pushing, kicking. It became horrible as i pushed him to the ground making him fall. I fell back from being exhausted.

"How could you do this?!" I said, taking heavy breaths.

"How could you even ask that!?" He sat up.

"Enough!" Ricardo spoke up. He helped Georg up as he rubbed his lip filled with blood. He looked at me with evil in his eyes as he laughed Georg behind him. "Write a note to y/n. Don't ask questions. Tell her your okay. And you don't care about her." When I heard her name in his mouth, it made me angrier. But a vision cam ein my head. Her eyes, smile, everything was perfect. I snapped out of it as he spoke up. "Now!" I picked dup the paper that was folded and found a sticky note. "Georg when he is done, give it to me." Ricardo walked away as Georg nodded and looked back st me.

I'm doing this for a reason, not betrayal - Georg

I looked up a t Georg whos smile became soft. I nodded and began feeling tears in my eyes. I hurt Georg for no reason then. I felt horrible, like a stab in my stomach. I put the note in my pocket ad began to write. Instead of doing what Ricardo wanted, I did what I wanted

Dear y/n,
Please just let me know you're okay. I don't need you to worry about me. I'm sorry for what I did. I never meant for it to happen. But if you could give me a chance to talk to you, I'll make it up to you. I love you too much to lose you.
Love, Tom.

I folded up the note and gave it to Georg. He nodded his head before walking out. As I looked back at everyone who was sitting, too afraid to move. I saw them feel relieved with a breath coming out of all of them. "We need to make a plan, now."

"But what happened with Georg?" Bill mumbled.

"He joined Ricardo, but for help. Not betrayal. We need to make a plan. He is trying to do something to us but also to y/n, I can't let anything happen to her, or us." I said firmly, making sure that they knew this was serious. They all looked at each other, hesitant but knew it was right. They all nodded at me.

"Then let's think." My mother spoke.

Only one for today, I don't feel good but I wanted you guys to have something. Love you. Xoxo 😘

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