PT 12

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*Tom's POV*
As we got out of the car, I carried y/n to her bedroom, she fell asleep in the car. I put her in her bed, tucking her in. I leaned down, giving a small kiss on her forehead. She got comfortable as I started to walk out. "Tom?" Her voice was softly speaking. I turned around to see her sitting up, her arm supporting her. "Do you mind staying with me tonight?" I gave a smile, I felt liekt his was going to work out.

"Yeah, of course. But give me a second, also do you mind if my mom sleeps in your parents room? It's okay if you don't want her to but I just want her to be comfortable." I softly stated. She nodded her head and laid back down as I walked out to the living room. The door closed by my mom who turned back to us. My mom had tears in her eyes. She grabbed all of us into a group hug.

"We are okay now. For good." She sobbed. We all sobbed with her, knowing we are safe again, and probably forever. We all pulled away and she wiped her tears off her face.

"Do we still have to do the court things for clarification and requirements." Bill asked, sniffling.

"Unfortunately yes. But it should be within a week." My mom sighed.

"Well, we should get rest, a good night sleep. We could continue talking tomorrow ok." I stated. I nodded at the boys to go sleep on the couches, and took my mom's hand guiding her to the room she was staying in. As I walked in, I realized that it was basic. There wasn't much like decorations. Just a plain white bed, with a tv in front of it and a night stand next to the bed. I wonder why if this was the parents room. "Okay mom, sleep here ok." I tucked her in bed.

"Okay, goodnight baby." She kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight mom." I replied, closing the door behind me. Walking back into y/n's room quietly, I took off my shoes and shirt. She was facing the wall, against the wall. If you don't remember, I always have to sleep against rhe all. But tonight seems like it can't and won't be an argument. As is stood there, y/n looked back like she was waiting for me. She sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed, patting the spot against the wall. I smiled, she remembers. I walked up, going over her gently and pulling the covers over me. As I laid down, she put her head against my chest, cuddling into it.

"Goodnight Tom" she mumbled.

"Goodnight dot." I responsed. I felt a smile come across her face as we both drifted to sleep.

*Y/n's POV* (12 in the afternoon)
I woke up feeling arms around my body. It felt nice to feel this again. I missed it. Alot. I looked down to see Tom cuddled into my neck with his arms placed around my torso. I smiled, he looks so beautiful when he sleeps. I noticed he changed his hair, and he grew a little. Just a week I went there and he changed this much but I loved it either way. I quietly started to move out of his grip, replacing myself with a pillow. As I stood up, I looked back to see him hugging the pillow tight. I smiled, grabbing the pack of cigarettes on the nightstand with anlighter. I walked out to my window in my room. I lit the cigarette, taking an inhale as I looked to see the sun hitting my face. It was probably 12 since the sun was really out.It felt nice, it was a breeze of wind against my skin. I started to think of last night, how I felt so safe in toms arms. It could finally be like that again, finally. As I put my cigarette out, I walked back into the room where Tom was still sleeping. I went into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I walked out quielty to the kitchen. I glanced over to the living room to see the three boys sleeping peacefully. How I missed them so much. I took out a pan, pancake mix and everything to make a good breakfast. I cooked as quietly as I could to not wake anyone up, I wanted them all to rest. I baked a lot of pancakes and decorated each of their plates with strawberries and bananas powdered with scrambled eggs on the side. I set the table with their food, placing all the extra food in the middle and their cups on the side. I took out the orange juice and put it on the side of the coffee maker that had been prepared. As I finished, I went to the living room. I decided to bring back a memory, at least for Bill. I picked up a pillow on the floor, and walked up to the boys who were laying down. I felt myself already laughing. I begin to hit them with the pillow. "WAKE UP PEOPLE.". I screamed. I stoped as they all sat up with an annoyed face. I looked at all of them as my smile went away. "Oh shit." I dropped the pillow as they all got up chasing me.

"Y/N! DO NOT RUN AWAY!" Georg yelled.

"GET BACK HERE!" Bill said.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" I laughed, I ran around the whole house as they still chased me. I went into a closet that was in the hallway.

"Wh- where did she go?"Gustav said, catching his breath.

" I don't know, that girl could run fast." Georg said. It became silent as they breathed heavily. Other footsteps were heard as they catched their breath.

"What's going on?" Laudia spoke.

"Y/n woke us up by hitting us with a pillow. So we need to get her back."

"Classic." Another voice spoke. It was Tom's, his voice is to familiar for me. He gave a chuckle.

"I know where she is!" The closet door opened as I saw Bill. He smirked, grabbing me throwing me over his shoulder as they all followed behind with a smirk.

"NO IM SORRY PLEASE PUT ME DOWN ! I MADE YOU GUYS BREAKFAST!" I yelled. I felt myself get thrown on the couch, instantly laughing as they all tickled me. "NO-" I laughed hard.

"TOO LATE!" Bill said.

"I MADE BREAKFAST!" as I said that, they all stop tickling me. I catched my breath and sat up. "I hate you guys."

"We love you too." They all said and walked to the kitchen. I follwed behind as theys at down. The only seat left was next to Tom. I grabbed the orange juice and coffee.

"What do you guys want to drink?"

"Orange juice." All the boys said at the same time. I laughed and poured the orange juice in their cups.

"Laudia?" I asked looking at her.

"Coffee please." She gave a soft smile. As I was pouring she spoke, "also honey, my name isn't Laudia, its actually Simone. I went my Laudia because of the situation we were in." She explained. I looked up at her, forming a soft smile as I pured coffee for me.

"Oh okay, Simone is a pretty name for a pretty woman." I winked. She winked back as she took a sip. It feels just like the first time. As I sat down. We all began eating. At least the boys and Simone. If you hadn't noticed, I haven't been eating at all. It was only within 2 days in California I stopped eating. Now it was gum, alcohol more than water, and cigarettes. As they all were eating, I just played around with my food.

"Why arent you eating dot?" Tom looked at me as he noticed. I gave a soft smile as he called me dot. I love that. I looked down though as the question was popped in my head.

"Uh, I haven't been eating since I went to California, at all." I felt all eyes go on me. I hate when that happens, in the bad way.

"How come?" He asked.

"I don't just sorta happened." I replied. I sighed as I looked down at my plate.

"Here, I'll help you ok." He said, as I looked up at him. He gave me a smile and picked my fork up with eggs. He put it up to my mouth, I hesitated but I need to eat. I opened my mouth as he placed the fork in my mouth. I started to chew, but felt myself wanting to throw up. I haven't ate so long it felt this way. "Chew slowly, I know it's hard but you got it ok." Tom said. I looked at him as he chewed. He really looked more manly from his hair, but I liked it.

"You guys are so cute." Bill spoke as he smiled. I blushed as Tom just smiled, getting a little red. After a few more chews of food, I didn't feel the need to throw up.

"Better?" Tom said as he placed another food in my mouth. I nodded. I grabbed the fork and began munching. I heard everyone give a chuckle as I began eating. I smiled and we started a conversation. Like everything was good, we reminisced how it was. As we finished breakfast, everything was gone. Like everything! Good thing I made a lot. I picked up the plates and placed them in the sink as everyone went to the living room still talking. As I began to start washing dishes, I felt his hands hug me from behind. "Y/n, can we talk?"

WAKE UP! I POSTED! but for real, this is so cute. I had myself blushing and shi... Xoxo 😘

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