PT 28

488 20 13

*Y/n's POV*
Yesterday was a very shockwave of.... a lot. I found out I was pregnant, with twins, and also I have a stomach virus. That's the only part I am completely stressing about. I really just want them to be healthy. But it's also nerve-wracking, now that I'm backstage of the concert that we are going to perform. Here it comes. I ran to the bathroom with Romona behind me. She held my hair as it all came out. "Are you sure you're going to be able to perform?" She asked, handing me a towel and mints.

"Yes I am sure. I've been better but as long as I have water every 5 minutes, I'll be good." She nodded and we walked out greeted by everyone.

T- hey dot, you okay?

Y/n - yeah, just nervous and yeah

Gv - you are going to do great y/n!


Bill has been going crazy for days. Each morning he makes me the best breakfast, but everyone gets mad because they don't get treated with any. I laugh in their faces.

T - okay Bill, calm down

B - sorry...

Y/n - it's okay Bill, your excitement is kind of giving me confidence away.

Bill gave a wink and I smiled.

A- okay guys, it's time

I looked back at Tom. I pulled him into a kiss and smiled. Before he could say anything, I walked away.

(Anything in bold is German)

"WHATS UP GERMANY!" I yelled into the mic. Germany has understood my songs even in English, surprising right?

"How are you guys?" I waved.

"Thank you guys so much for coming out tonight! Let's get our game on!" The lights switched off and faded in as we began to play my first song, Change.

As I was breathing heavily from our last song, the crowd was going wild. Not one person was screaming. My true dream is right here. Besides finding the man I love of course. "Oh Germany. How was it!?" I yelled, making the crowd go way louder than before. "Okay, let's calm down for a second. Perhaps during the time I was on stage, you would see me stop singing or slightly gag right?" People from the crowd yelled yes or you would see thumbs put up. "Well, it might come as a shock to you as it did to me." The crowd began to go wild as I felt my hands go around my waist. I smiled as I already knew who it was. "I'm pregnant." The crowd went ballistic wild. Crazy. Screams echoed and I began to smile and laugh.

"They really do love you." Tom whispered in my ear, sending shivers down.

"Yeah, more than you." I winked. He smirked and gave a kiss on my neck, people saw making them scream. "It's crazy, how is this man right here has been with me for no more than probably 8 or more months, and they feel like family to me. They all do. I want to thank you for coming to our show tonight, AND I LOVE YOU!" The crowd yelled things back with love, screams, it was just amazing. We got off stage and Tom picked me up, twirling me around. "Tom! Put me down!" I squealed.

"You did an amazing dot. You looked beautiful too." He winked. I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

A - amazing work paranorma! Especially you y/n, you did amazing and didn't have a big effect on you. I'm proud.

Y/n - thanks Alan. I worked for it.

Tv - I say we go out to eat!


R - oh Bill, always McDonald's

Y/n - I am craving some chicken nuggets and fries from there


Bill was yelling, putting his hand up and being dead serious as I said "craving". Oh gosh, Bill really is going to be the best uncle.

Bill ordered our food as we sat down. He came back with a receipt going through the order to see if he forgot anything. "And lastly for y/n, 10 pieces with large fries, water , milkshake, extra fries just in case, and I got you a free ice cream we just ask after." My mouth dropped as he said what he ordered for me. All I wanted was the ten piece with small fries and water. And he ordered other things too.

T - Bill! You shithead she just wanted chicken nuggets, fries and water!

B - Yes she did but she is pregnant and needs enough food to fill her up. I know she wanted it anyways that's what she ordered last time we were here!

Y/n - it's fine! Thank you Bill.

I gave a wink as he smiled and nodded, taking a seat next to Romona. "I swear he thinks he is superman." Tom whispered.

I chuckled. "Well at least I know he is caring for my babies already."

"I am too!"

"I know you are! I heard you last night talking to them while I was asleep." I smirked. His cheeks flushed red, as well as his whole face.

G - Tom why are you so red?

Tom - quiet!

Y/n - he is just shy because he thought I didn't know he was talking to my stomach last night while I was sleeping.

I glanced at Tom to see him more red. He shoved his face in my neck hiding. I laughed and rubbed his back.

Gl - he is such a softie. The media said otherwise.

We all laughed and our food arrived. We talked about things but attention kept getting out on me and I didn't like it. I understand I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean to start treating me differently. I think Tom noticed because he spoke up.

T - okay guys, y/n was talking about a story she had, her pregnancy doesn't need to be brought into this.

I looked over at Tom and he smiled, giving me a small peck. I nodded my head to thank him and he winked. I needed to use the bathroom so I stood up. "Okay, I'll be right back I need to use the bathroom." I walked away into the bathroom. I did my business and stood up washing my hands. I began to feel nauseous but also saw black fuzziness. Next thing I knew, everything went black with a faint hearing of my name being called.

Oh hey! You just announced your pregnancy to the world! Great! But what just happened? Xoxo 😘

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