PT 30

504 17 14

*Tom's POV*
As y/n fell asleep, all I could think about was the babies. I want to have twins, I'm a twin myself obviously and to have twins and them be the same like me and bill would just overall be a whelm of happiness. I got up slowly so she didn't wake up. I walked back into the waiting room area and everyone was sitting in silence. Bill looked the most stressed. They all looked up as they heard my footsteps, and stood up asking questions at the same time. "Okay hold on hold on!" I put my hands up. They all took a seat again and I sat next to Bill.

B - so- so what happened!?

T - the doctor explained that she blacked out because the bay with the virus is struggling to stay alive, they have to keep
y/n until they know it's good for her to come home.

I looked away, trying to hide the tears from my eyes. I exhaled a deep breath and looked back.

Y - I know we have an interview in 2 days but I think we should cancel it Alan. I can't leave y/n alone, I can't.

Alan looked down, thinking about it

A - that's the thing, this interviewer is the most famous. It could practically make your guys career go up, but it's up to you guys.

B - I know y/n would want us to go, she doesn't like it when you sacrifice something that could help you

Bill's right, y/n would make me go to that interview. She would refuse for me to not go.

T - fine, we will do it

Gl - wait, do they know how we could stop the virus?

T - no, they said she just has to eat healthy and sleep well

B - when can we see her?

T - tomorrow, she needs rest now. But I'ma go back just to be there with her when she wakes up

I got up, hugging my brother to reassure him everything is going to be okay. I nodded to everyone else and walked back into y/n's room. She was sleeping peacefully. I sat down on the couch and drifted to sleep.

I checked the time to see it was 8:17 in the morning. I looked over at y/n who was still sleeping. I wanted to make sure she ate well and slept well, so why not go get her some healthy good breakfast.

*Y/n's POV*
I heard the door open from the room I was staying in. I let out a small groan when I felt the sun hitting my face. I pulled a pillow over my head. "Y/n? I got you some breakfast." I took the pillow off my face to see everyone in the room and Tom with 2 bags. I smiled and weakly sat up.

Y/n - hey guys.

Everyone - hey

T - how are you feeling dot?

He sat beside me, handing me a bag. I smelt some delicious food.

Y/n - great, this smells good

I leaned in, kissing Tom and pulled away. I took out a container filled with strawberries, a container with fried potatoes with cheese, and a hash brown. I smiled and began eating without hesitation. I looked up and they were all smiling. I swallowed my food down and turned pink. "thanks babe." I blurted out. I never called Tom babe or baby or anything like that. My eyes widened and I looked at Tom who had a cheeky smile. I rolled my eyes and began eating more.

R - I'm glad the fans took your pregnancy well

Y/n - me too, I was nervous

Gv - well they love you, like a lot. More than Tom

T - why does everyone keep saying that?

A - because it's true

T - okay your the manager and your agreeing?

Y/n - don't be jealous Tom. I'm just ....better *winks*

Tom - I just have to show them how much of a better person I am. *Flips braids dramatically*

Y/n - oh god. Oh hey wait, you have an interview tomorrow right?

T - yeah, I was debating on going

Y/n - well you are, it's not up for discussion

T - I know, we talked about it last night. I told them about everything and then we talked about the interview and I decided to go since I knew you would drag me to go even if you're in the hospital

I smirked and looked at Bill. He seemed quiet but upset

Y/n - you okay Bill?

Bill looked up, like he zoned out. He nodded his head.

B - yeah. I'm just glad you're okay.

After a while of talking, the nurse came in. She smiled as she saw how filled the room is. "Well hello y/n and her friends."

"Hey nurse Sally." I smiled

"Hi y/n. So I just came here to tell you we will most likely keep you here for an extended period of time and we have specific nutrients you need to take " she handed me a list with different food items and beverages that would help me throughout the time being here.

"Okay, thank you." I nodded. She smiled and left the room. I put the list to the table and put my hand on my stomach as I felt movement. I laid back, closing my eyes as I felt it.

"Are my babies moving around?" Tom spoke up. I nodded my head. Tom was about to put his hands on my stomach when Bill pushed him, making him fall to the ground.

B - I want to feel!

T - Bill! What the fuck man!?

B - sorry

I laughed and placed Bill's hands on my lower abdomen where the babies were moving slowly. He gasped as he felt it. I got shivers from his cold rings but didn't care. Tom was annoyed and I laughed a little more. Everyone got a chance to feel since they were so excited. Tom stayed on my stomach, listening to the movements and placing his hands on my stomach. Everyone was talking and having a good time. It's like everything went away. Nothing was wrong.

Everyone went home except for Tom. But before everyone went home he took a shower and came back. He said he didn't want you to be left alone in any circumstances. We were now cuddling, but he was laying on my legs, facing my stomach so he could hear. "Tom?" I spoke up.

He looked up at me. "Yes meine liebe" (my love)

"What about school? I mean we were all seniors and the school burnt down but don't we have to go back?"

"No, that school didn't even care for us to graduate." He snickered. I smiled, knowing damn well that was so true. He started to massage my thighs. It felt nice, and not in a sexual way, a loving and passionate way. It felt that nice, I drifted to sleep hearing him faintly mumbling things to me and my stomach.

How cute!? I swear I need a relationship like this. Me and who? Xoxo 😘

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