PT 27

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*Y/n's POV*
Awakening from throwing up, Tom held my hair. It was getting worse. Usually when you're pregnant, you don throw up a lot unless in too much heat or something. I cleaned myself up, brushing my teeth as Tom did the same. He finished before me, and held my waist. "Y/n, I really do think you are pregnant."

I sighed. "I don't know what to think. Throwing up this much? It could be anything at this point."

"Well, today is the doctor's day so let's go eat breakfast. I'm sure Bill cooked up something."

I smiled and we walked to the kitchen. Tom was right, Bill made breakfast. This time he made waffles with sausage and hash browns. I got excited and grabbed a hash brown that was already done. "Good morning y/n!" Bill gave me a tight hug.

"Good morning Bill."

"What about me?" Tom spoke up behind us, his hands in the air.

"Oh, morning Tom." Bill said and turned around. I giggled as Tom rolled his eyes. He went to grab a hash brown when Bill smacked this hand away. "No! You can't get any yet!"

(Anything in bold is German)

"You motherfucker! You fucking hurt me!" Tom yelled. I only understood the word hurt and motherfucker

"Oh shush! I barely touched you." Bill rolled his eyes.

"How come y/n could get one!" He whined.

"Because, she is sick. She is able to do what she wants." He shrugged his shoulders.

I laughed, sticking my tongue out at Tom. "Hmh" he put his hand in my face before walking to the fridge. He could be so childish sometimes.

We finished breakfast while we told everyone we were going to the doctors today. We haven't told them what the test said, and luckily none of them asked. We left the house, and I became anxious on the ride to the doctor. The same questions kept popping in my head, over and over again. I want a baby, but at the same time I don't because of my career, Tom's career, all of us could be in danger to the band just because of how the world is and views things. It's even more stressful just because me and my band barely made it back out. I think I made it very noticeable because Tom put his hand on my thigh, rubbing it gently. "Don't stress. Whatever it is, whatever your decision is, I'm here for it." He glanced at me, giving me a quick smile. I nodded and sighed. He's right, I can't stress just yet. I don't know what it is. But there's the options to worry about....

I laid down on the bed thing as the doctor got gloves on and Tom sat next to me, holding my hand tight. (D is for a doctor)

D - so y/n, would you like to tell me what's wrong?

Y/n - for the past week, I've been throwing up. But as time passes by, it gets worse and worse. I throw up like 6 times or more a day now. It used to be like 3 times a day

D - okay, well did you have any sexual intercourse before these events

I looked at Tom and he had a tint of pink on his cheeks. I smirked. "Yes I did."

D - okay well, we are going to check your stomach with an ultrasound to see if anything. But first, we need to take some rest in case it isn't a pregnancy thing.

He hands me a cup, and tells me where the restroom is. I pee in the cup, and give it to him. He walks out and I sigh. "Your cheeks are still a little red you know."

Tom got even more red. "No they aren't, I'm just hot in here."

"Oh yeah and why is it?" I tilted my head.

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