PT 2

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He pushed me onto the couch to sit down. I adjusted myself as he took a seat in front of me. He picked up a glass of alcohol. I could smell him from just right here. "Do you know why I'm doing everything?" He sipped on his drink. I stayed quiet, glaring at him. I hated this man. He's not a father to me or to Bill. He's not a man. He's not a husband to my mother. He never was. He's nothing. To me, or my family. He looked at me with a wait of response, and I didn't give in. "I'm doing this...because of your mother. She did this to me."

"She didn't do anything to you! You did this to yourself!" I snapped at him. "Don't bring my mother into this, she has nothing to do with your stupidity Ricardo!" He looked at me with a displeased look, but a shock got it.

"Ricardo huh? Not father or dad?" I looked down as I didn't want to stare at his face anymore. "Your mother put me in jail Tom! She did this! And she deserves what she's getting! Blame her for what you're getting out of it!" He smacked his hands on the table bringing himself above me, trying to scare me. It didn't work, I wasn't letting this man think he was something. He sat back down and let out a chuckle. "Oh Tom, you seem to have grown your dick now." I looked at him with displeasure. He shouldn't be here. He deserves to die. "But now that you have, maybe all this could stop, for you." My glare became confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

"Join me." He smirked. I let out a laugh. Did he really think I would join him? "What's so funny?" He leaned forward.

"No." I looked at him with a wish of death for him. His eyebrows relaxed and nodded his head slightly. He began to lean back but charged forward with a smack to my face. I fell to the side. Grunting, I looked up at him. I grabbed the glass he had been drinking from and threw it at his face as it broke, giving him cuts. I ran, trying to make my way to the front door until a sharp pain began to feel on my back. I stopped in my tracks as his hand was on my shoulder. I began to scream from the pain he was giving me. I felt the glass sliding down my back. I fell to the ground as he released the glass from cutting me. He picked me up, dragging me to the room. I felt myself being thrown on the ground as my dad spoke up.

"Georg! Come!" He spoke. I knew Georg reacted quickly as his footsteps went out of the room, the door slamming shut. Bill and Gustav came up to me. I looked up to see my mom sleeping. As I was on my stomach, my elbow would support enough for me to look up.

"Tom!? What happened?" Bill stuttered as he saw my back. Gustav came with a towel that was wet and began to clean me up.

"Get the first aid kit under my sink." I spoke as I felt the burn of the cut. I felt it from my left shoulder going down in the direction of my right hip. Bill came running back with it as he opened it up. I looked to see my mom sitting up.

"Oh my god Tom!" She jumped out of bed as she saw me. "What happened baby!?" She cried as she saw the cut.

"Just please fix it and I'll tell you once this is done! Please!?" The pain began to feel stronger. My mother started to grab alcohol pads and fully clean it up. I gave sharp grunts as it burned. I'm just glad it wasn't anyone else.

*Georgs POV*
As Ricardo called me out, he sat me on the couch. I observed the room to see some blood stains and glass pieces on the floor. I began to feel panic as he stared into me. "Join me." He spoke. I made eye contact with him. Confused by what he said, it didn't comprehend. "Join me Georg. We could rule over this house. Take charge of those pathetic little shits in that room. Maybe even the city." He smirked. I felt myself getting more panicked as I didn't want to answer. I didn't want what had happened to Tom. But a thought came in. *Play it cool Georg, play it cool* I thought to myself. I gave a smirk.

"Yes." I spoke.

"You're willing to give it all?" Ricardo glared. This was a way to help us get out.

"I am. I don't want to live like that. But those pricks deserve it if I'm being honest." I felt a gulp in my throat.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?" He asked. Think fast Georg.

"Because, they've always left me out. I'm sick of being left out. I don't want it anymore." He looked into my eyes, his smirk began to form.

"Then you're in."

I know this one is short but it's part of the process. Happy 4th of July. Xoxo 😘

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