PT 9

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Wait...was this.... Tom's and Bill's father?

My thoughts were interrupted from him clearing his throat. "Oh uh no I never got one." I cleared my throat.

"Oh, are you okay?" He asked. I completely forgot I had just cried from that note.

"Oh yeah, I was cleaning and something got in my eyes.." I quickly stated.

"Okay then, thanks." He nodded before they all turned around. I closed the door, locking it. Fuck, that has to be him. It has to.

*Georgs POV*
The door opened roughly as Ricardo went through them. He went to the kitchen, placing his hands on the table. Slamming it, I stood up and followed behind his guys. "Woah, what happened?" I asked, confused on why he would be so angry now.

"That girl, y/n. Shes back, back at the house! And that stupid note I left isn't there anymore. She said she didn't take it either! Fuck!" He slammed his hand harder against the table, making us all slightly jump. All that was heard was his heavy breathing due to his anger. "You said she wouldn't come back." He mumbled, looking up at me.

"I did, because usually she would never. This is unlike her." I spoke up, shit.

"Okay, maybe. But the plan, we need a plan!" He sighed.

"Like what?" His guy spoke up.

"We can't lose sight of her, no more. We are going to be on her ass every day until lights are off in her house. Georg you will be staying here, for those idiots in the room." He spoke as it was some silent again. The silence was quickly interrupted with a phone going off. Toms phone. Ricardo has been carrying their phones around just in case. As he pulled it out of his pocket, he looked unpleased, distressed.

"What is it?" The other guy asked.

"She texted. Y/n. 'hey Tom, how have you been?'". He mumbled before turning off the phone and placing his hands over his face.

"Do you think she is lying?" The guy asked. Ricardo's eyes gazed to me.

"No, she hates liars, so she doesn't like to lie either." I said.

"Then that's the answer. We can't loose track of her, we will stay tonight at hers, for the whole night. We don't know where she could go or what not so I'm not going to take chances of her ruining our plan. Georg, here are the phones. Keep them safe ok. Let's go guys." Ricardo took off, handing me the phones of theirs. As the door closed and the car drifted away, I quickly ran to the room

*Tom's POV*
As we were finishing up getting ready, my mom laid down drifting back to bed. She has been sleeping to get better. The door was opened harshly by Georg, making our heads gawk towards him. "Guys, they found y/n. Today. And now they are going to watch her tonight, all night. This means-"

"Wait what!?" I stood up.

"They found y/n! They are going to be out there all night to keep an eye on her! This means two things, one we could escape tonight. And two, y/n will be okay Tom-"

"No! Stop! What if they hurt her?! How did they find her!?" I yelled, whispering to not awake my mom. I felt Bill and Gustav put their arms around me to calm me down.

"Tom, listen! He didn't say how, but I'm guessing the liquor store because that's where they went. She also texted you before they left." I felt myself breathing hard. I know they aren't going to hurt her but i couldn't help but think what if they do. I can't loose her.

"Then what's the plan?" I spoke up, looking at Georg. Georg closed the door behind him, placing some phones on the table. He walked up to us, sitting us down as he did too

"So, since they are gone the whole night, we are able to call the police but we have to explain the situation. And when we do, we are going to tell them to come here but with no sirens so we don't alarm Ricardo and them. But right now, we are going to text y/n the plan, because we need her to bring them over here, that way the cops when they are in the house, they could get them."

I sat there, thinking. I don't want to bring her in this, I don't want her getting hurt. But I know I need her, and she will do it for us. "Fine, this better work." I said. We all nodded and Georg passed me the phone. I immediately opened the message that was sent while Georg was on the phone with the police.

Y/n ❤️😘 - hey Tom, how are you?

I smiled, knowing that this is our chance to fix everything. Instead of texting, I decided to call. I pressed the call button, waiting for the other line. As I waited, i heard it.

"Tom?" She spoke softly. Oh how I missed that voice.


"Tom!? Tom are you okay? How are you feeling? What's happening? Why is-"

"Y/n, y/n wait hold on. I'll explain everything I promise, once I get out. But I need you, I need your help."


"Y/n, my dad and them are going to be watching you, at your house. All night meaning that they won't come home. We made a plan that we will call the police tonight and they will come with a different car besides a cop car for no alarm to my dad. They are going to hide in the house and wait for them to arrive. But we need you to bring them over here." I explained.i hear her breathing, slow but scared. The amount of times I had replayed her voice in my head to keep her with me, I finally get to hear it.

"I just have to lead them to your house?" She mumbled.

"Yes, we'll be free and we will all work things out." I gave little soft laugh. I felt her give a soft smile over the phone.

"I'll do it, for you guys." She said. I let out a sigh, this is it. We are getting out of here for good.

-------------------------------------------------------------- you think the plan is going to work? I feel like this is getting heated for everyone, it's getting hot in here. Xoxo 😘

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