PT 29

470 16 13

*Tom's POV*
Today was great, we announced the pregnancy and we were able to feel relieved. The fans took it nicely and overall I felt a wave of happiness come through me. Me, Tom Kaulitz, going to be a dad. A well known person who is known to love girls and have them for sex, is going to be a dad. Crazy I know but for y/n, I won't ever lay my hands or eyes or body on another woman, just y/n. Where were we....

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Y/n walked away. As soon as she walked away, the boys started asking me questions. Like my feelings about being a dad and what not.

"Guys,guys, I'm happy. It's only y/n and will forever be. Now can you guys stop treating her differently, other than Bill, just because she is pregnant. You guys are making her uncomfortable so stop okay." I looked at all of them, they all looked shocked but they knew I was right.

"Sorry." They all said. I nodded my head. It became silent since we were the loudest ones. A thud was heard. I shot my head up, y/n. I got out of my seat, running to the bathroom. Please don't tell me she hurt herself or something. I banged on the bathroom door.

( Anything in bold is German)
"Y/n! Y/n!? Y/N OPEN UP!" I heard nothing but everyone running behind me. I stepped back and kicked the door. It flew up open, and it kind of broke in half but that's besides the point. I see y/n on the ground and run up to her. No cuts or anything. She must've blacked out. "GET THE TOUR BUS READY WE NEED TO GO!" I demanded, picking up y/n and running out with her to the car. Everyone got in and I ran to the couch, setting her down. She was sweaty and hot. "Y/n, stay with me I don't know what is wrong but we are going to figure it out just don't leave me please." I had my hands on her cheeks, caressing them. "Bill! Get me a cold towel!" Bill ran to the bathroom, coming back with a cold wet towel.

"Here!" He handed me the towel. I began to pat her face, giving small talk to her.

"It's okay. I'm here" my voice became trembling.

B - what happened Tom!?

T - well when I heard the thud, my first thought was that is was y/n and I thought she cut herself or something so I ran to the door and I banged on the door, she didn't answer and then I kicked open the door breaking it and she was on the ground blacked out and now she is sweating and hot I dont know what it is FUCKEN SHIT

I began to cry on y/n shoulder. I heard her breathing from her mouth so I lifted my head up. She's ok then. But what's wrong.

A - I'm sure it might be with the virus and having two babies in her.

T - maybe

The bus stopped and I picked up y/n, running out with the others trying to catch up. To me, it was life or death right now. I couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever. I ran to the front yelling. "PLEASE HELP ME SHE IS PREGNANT AND HAS A STOMACH VIRUS AND SHE BLACKED OUT." Nurses came running to me with a bed and putting her on there. I tried to follow until a nurse held me back.

"I'm sorry sir you can't go in. Please stay here." She ran, following where they were taking y/n. As she was taken into a room, I ran after looking through the door. I saw them trying to figure out what was wrong. I looked away and fell against the door, beginning to cry. Why does everything just all of a sudden go wrong? The rest came up to me.

G - it'll be ok, y/n is strong Tom.

B - come here

Bill grabbed me up, dragging me to the waiting area as I was weak to move. I was fully having tears running down my cheek. Bill was hugging me as I cried on his shoulder. "Bill, I can't lose her. We are going to have a kid together she means everything to me I can't-"

"Tom, she is strong. Please just calm down first." He reassured me. I'm hoping to god
right now she is going to be okay and we will still have kids together.

*Y/n's POV*
I felt my whole body tingling as I fluttered my eyes open hearing two people talking. I looked to see two nurses talking. I was trying to remember what happened. I ate, went to the bathroom. I blacked out. I tried to sit up but felt too weak. "You're awake! Please relax." One of the nurses said

"What happened?"

"Well, one of your friends said you blacked out. And we found out that you also have a stomach virus and a set of twins in pregnancy right now correct?"

I nodded my head slowly. "Yes, i-im sorry does it have something to do with this?" I felt myself getting anxious.

"Yes, one of your babies is struggling to stay alive, and it's also growing too fast. So we did a test and the stomach virus is causing the infant to do such. We will be keeping an eye on you for a while." The doctor explained. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I know it hasn't happened but I have this feeling she or he isn't going to make it. I felt myself from tears.

"I-is there anything I could do? Like why-"

"Unfortunately there isn't, we just have to make sure you're eating healthy and sleep well."  I felt more tears come down and I covered my face. "We will give you some time alone." The doctor and nurse walked out. I cried harder. Why does something always have to happen to ruin something so well. I put my hands on my stomach. I kept thinking, please don't make this coke true, be strong.  What am I going to tell the others? How will Tom react? A knock came to the door and I quickly wiped my tears

"Y/n? It's me Tom and Bill."

I sighed. "Come in"

They walked in, sadness filled their eyes. It said it all over their faces. Tom's eyes red and puffy, Bill's eyes filled with tears. Tom ran to me, hugging me gently but tightly. I felt his tears on my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm here it's ok." I mumbled in his neck. He pulled away.

"What happened?" He sat down, wiping his tears and Bill next to him. I sighed, knowing it's going to affect them.

"The doctor told me I blacked out because of the virus, and that the baby with it is struggling to... to stay alive." My voice cracked and I began crying again. I felt their embrace.

B - it's okay, they are strong just like you

T - Bill, do you mind giving us a moment please?

Bill nodded and headed out of the room. Tom looked back at me, sitting on bed close to me. "Don't stress, I need you to stay calm and everything. Stressing won't help the baby. I love you y/n, I really do. And I'm here to work this out with you ok." He put his forehead against mine. I nodded and kissed him. He got into the bed as I cuddled in his chest, crying. I really don't want to lose one, I just want to be happy with Tom and them.

Sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger but here is the reason! What do you think will happen? Xoxo 😘

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