Chapter VI

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The next day, I couldn't help, but ignore Chans calls. I was so embarrassed after last night. Maybe I should apologize?
"Hello." I picked up the phone with the intentions of an immediate apology.
"You keep ignoring my calls. I'm not mad, just curious." I could hear his smile behind the phone.
"I wanted to apologize for asking. It was embarrassing. I have no clue why I did that." God, I hate this conversation.
"It did catch me off guard, but I'm not mad. I was going to ask for yours anyways. You just beat me to it." My heart was in my stomach. He wanted mine?
"You wanted mine? What for?" I'm not acting dumb, I just don't understand.
"The same reason you wanted mine. It's an easier way to make sure you're eating well. You know, when I'm too weak to walk." I don't see why he cares so much.
"Ah I see. I guess that makes sense." I sat down.
"I'll be over later with more food. Same time as yesterday."
"Okay." I hung up and laid the phone on the table next to me.
I've only known him for a week, but I've gained back some hope that I didn't have before. I feel at ease most of the time.

A few hours later, my dad decided to visit. "How's my girl doing today?" He gave me a big hug.
"Better." I smiled. " Oh, look! Felix got me some new books!" I proudly showed them off.
"Oh my, there's so many!" He looked at each one. "Have you read any?"
"I started that one." I pointed through the selection. "It's really good." I sat down.
He was looking at me strangely. "You have a boyfriend?"
"What?" Here we go again.
"That boy next door. Is that your boyfriend?" I sighed.
"No, he's a friend. I met him a week ago. He's got the same illness as me." I looked down and fidgeted with my hands. "We've been clinging to each other considering we're set to die soon." I'll admit, I am clinging. If I get attached, it won't matter in the end.
"I'm happy you have found a support system and someone to rely on." He took my hand. "Keep clinging. You need someone like that, who understands what you're going through." He kissed my head and gave me a side hug as I rested my head on his shoulder.

When he left, I kept looking at the clock. 2:22 p.m. That's normally the time he knocks. It's such a specific time.
A knock at the door, I quickly answered. "Right on time!" I stepped away from the door.
"You seem pretty excited and you answered fast. Were you waiting for me?" He smirked as he set the bag down.
"Of course not! I've just memorized the time." I closed the door. "You always come at the same time. How come?"
"Just because." He sat down and opened the bag.
"There's not a reason?" I could understand if it was 2:30, but 2:22? "It's so specific so there has to be a reason." I sat down next to him.
"Its my favorite number so maybe that's why." He laid the food out and handed me my silverware. "I brought something new for you to try. If you don't like it, I have something else. So don't feel bad about it." I opened the container. I had never seen this before.
"What is it?"
"It's a korean dish. My mom makes it all the time." I had never had Korean food. It smelled nice.
"This is so good." My face lit up as I crammed as much as I could.
"Woah, slow down. You'll make yourself sick." He laughed.
Being with him made me at ease. I had never had a friend before so this was all so new to me. His presence was warm and I felt as if I could tell him everything.

"I should get going. It's late and you need your rest." He got up from his spot and cleaned up the mess. I grabbed his hand.
"I'll clean it up. You go lay down." I smiled and began cleaning.
"Alright, we'll eat together tomorrow!"
"We better! I want more Korean dishes." I looked up.
"I'll bring you some!" As he walked out, I grabbed one of my books and began reading.

Sometimes when I read, I get lost in my own mind. It's like I'm a part of the story. Like I see everything through their eyes. My imagination was strong, it's been like that since I was a kid. Instead of bonding with other kids, I kept to myself. I played better alone. I was quiet and all around a good kid. I never thought to much about it, but I know my parents always worried about me.
As I continued reading, I couldn't help, but relate to the main character. Struggled to show emotions, liked being alone, and struggled on her own. It's not that I don't want help, I just don't like asking for it. I don't want pity or sympathy from anyone if I can help it.

I closed my book and walked to the window. Opening the curtains and lifting the window seal. "Thank you for giving me a friend to cling to. Even though it wasn't the best time for it, I'm still grateful to have some sort of comfort." I do not want my days to be numbered and I don't want to die this soon. I want to get better. I want death to wait a bit longer.

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