Chapter IX

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Later that night, Felix had fell asleep on me. His head rested on my shoulder. I didn't want to move, he looked peaceful and I didn't want to take that away from him. I stayed still until he opened his eyes. "What time is it?" He muttered. He was still half asleep, everything he said was barely coherent.
"It's only 10 p.m. Go back to sleep, you're okay." He was asleep mid sentence. He shifted and laid his head on the other end of the couch, allowing me to stand up to stretch.
I walked to the bathroom to wash up before moving Felix to his bed.

As I dried my hair with a towel, my phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID, I answered, "Hello?"
"Hi! You sound distraught. Is everything okay?" I looked at my phone and put it back to my ear, it was Chan.
"I'm so sorry! Things have been so hectic, I didn't think to look at the name." I panicked.
"Ah no worries!" He laughed. "You wanted me to call right?"
"Yes, I did. I completely forgot about that." I headed downstairs and outside.
"Are you outside? I heard the door shut."
"Felix fell asleep on the couch, I don't want to wake him up." I chuckled.
"Doesn't he have two rooms though?" He was very confused.
"He had a meltdown and fell asleep on me while watching a movie." I sighed as I set down on the porch.
"A meltdown? Is he okay?"
"He'll be fine. He's just scared of living without me." There was a long pause before I finished. "And I'm scared too. He said he couldn't live without me and that tears me up."
"It's very scary and I'm sorry he'll go through that. Everything will be okay. You'll live." He said that all the time, but I never believed it.
"I just have to keep fighting, right?" I laughed.
"Right. Don't be too hard on yourself!"
"I promise, I won't." I stood up from my spot. "I'm sorry to end this so soon. I have to get Felix to bed before he breaks a hip." I laughed hysterically.
"Alright then, goodnight! Sleep well!"
"Goodnight, Chan!" I hung up the phone and went back inside.

As I walked back inside, I took off my shoes and laid my towel in the bathroom on the hook. I walked over to the couch to see Felix stretched out.
"Come on, let's go." I shook him.
"What?" He barely had his eyes open.
"Let's get you in bed before you hurt your back on this couch." I tried to pull him up.
"No, I want to sleep here!" He whined.
"Let's go Felix! You're heavy. Help me out here." I pulled harder.
As I dragged him off the couch, he flipped over the popcorn bowl. "Damn it. Felix you knocked the popcorn on the floor."
"Pick it up. I just bought this carpet." His eyes were still closed.
"You pick it up! You knocked it over." He hit the floor. "I told you to use your legs. Now you're on the floor, swimming in popcorn."
"Fine, I'll get up. Just carry me." He held his arms out.
"I'm not carrying you. You're a grown ass man. Let's go." I put his arm over my shoulder and walked him to his room. "Use your legs. Come on, you're not even trying." I was frustrated.
"I am!" He whined.
"Stop whining and move!"
As we reached the room, he flopped on his bed and drifted off to sleep. Although I felt like I just moved a car with my bare hands, I still cleaned up the mess in the living room.

The next morning, I was exhausted from the night before. My arms were sore.
As I was making breakfast, Felix walked out of his room with puffy eyes and messy hair. "Did you sleep well, princess?" I said, sarcastically.
"Who pissed in your food?" He rolled his eyes and looked through the fridge.
"Oh, you know, just this grown man who refused to walk on his own last night." I side eyed him.
"Don't be a baby." He laughed.
"I'm not! You should have walked on your own. My shoulders hurt."
"You need to workout more!" He screamed from the other side of the room.

As time went by, I was preparing lunch for me and Chan. I tried to make all of his favorite meals and some of mine. While preparing the meat, the door bell rang. "Can you get that, I'm cooking!"
"Get it yourself, I'm busy!" Felix screamed from the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and opened the door.
"I didn't expect to see you. I was actually just making our lunch!" It was Chan.
"I heard yelling. Is this a bad time?" He smiled.
"No! Felix is so stubborn. Please come in!" I stood away from the door and closed it behind him.

We sat on the couch for hours, eating lunch at our normal time. "Did you get discharged?"
"I did. I don't know for how long, but for now, I am" He smiled.
"Hopefully, it's forever. You should live a long time." I said with a mouthful a food.
"You're going to get choked." He giggled.
As we talked some more, Felix walked out.
"We meet again." That was the fakest smile I have ever seen.
"Sorry if I'm intruding. I'll leave in a bit!" Chan smiled.
"How about now?"
"Felix! Be nice! I'm so sorry, he's a bit overprotective." I looked over at Felix and muttered through my teeth.
"It's okay! I completely understand. I'll get going!" He got up from the couch and grabbed his bags. "I just want to say that I would never hurt her. Her life is too small to be filled with pain. You've got nothing to worry about."
My heart was racing and my cheeks were flushed. He waved goodbye and left before I could even respond to it. I was speechless.

A few hours after he left, I couldn't help be think about what he said. I was too sick for love so things like that never meant anything to me. There was just something about him that made me want to cling and let go. My heart was still racing, my face was red, and my ears were burning hot. Could I have fallen for him?

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