BONUS: Chapter XL

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It's been a year since Chan proposed to me. I have been all over the world dressing shopping, meeting his family, and making venue arrangements.
Today's the big wedding day and I'm nervous. My stomach drops when I think about it.
I want him forever, but I'm still not used to him being human.
Felix and Ha-ri are still together. They are perfect for each other and I think Felix mentioned proposing in a few months.

"Nina! Come on!" Ha-ri yelled.
"I'm coming!" I quickly grabbed my things and met her downstairs by the car.
"Your hair appointments at 9, your makeup appointments at 11, and we'll come back here to put your dress on." She smiled. I was a little overwhelmed. "What's wrong?"
"This is all so much. I don't want to make a bad impression. It's overwhelming." I sat in the car.
"I know. It's going to be a busy day, but don't worry. I've got this covered." She got into the car.

When we arrived, the lady sat me down showing me a ton of hair options. "Which one?"
I looked at all of them. "Maybe this one?"
"Maybe?" Ha-ri looked at me. "It's your big day! There's no maybes!" She laughed.
I scanned them some more when one of them really caught my eye. "That one." I was set.

It was perfect

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It was perfect. I always had my love for flowers and they are one of the many things that got me by when I was sick.
"You look stunning!" Ha-ri squealed with excitement. "Do you like it?"
"Of course I do. It's perfect." I thanked the stylist and paid on my way out.

Our next stop was my makeup appointment. Again, I had all kinds of options until I saw one. "I want this one."
"This is your big day, don't you want something more extravagant?" Ha-ri suggested.
"No, I like this one." She nodded her head.
It wasn't anything special but it highlighted my features nicely.

 It wasn't anything special but it highlighted my features nicely

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It was a nude look, but it was perfect for me.
"All done." The lady turned my chair around.
"It suits you so well!" Ha-ri rubbed my shoulders as we both looked into the mirror. "Chan's going to love it."

We went back home to put on the dress. "We're going to be late! We've got to hurry!" Ha-ri rushed me out of the car.
As I entered the room, she rushed to get the dress from my room. "If you need any help, let me know." She smiled and closed the door behind her.
As I was putting it on, I was avoiding my hair and makeup to keep it from getting ruined.
When I finally got it, I stared in the mirror. It was beautiful.

It wasn't too fluffy, but it wasn't slim fitting either and it was so comfortable

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It wasn't too fluffy, but it wasn't slim fitting either and it was so comfortable.
I left the room to show Ha-ri. She stopped and gasped. "Oh my. You look gorgeous." She held my hands, pulling me into a hug.
"Do you think he'll like it?"
"He's going to love it." She smiled.

On our way to the venue, Ha-ri decided to put her bridesmaid dress on when she got there to avoid the wrinkles.
We pulled in, seeing Felix at the door. "Oh wow, you look beautiful, Nina!" He hugged me.
"Thank you. That tux looks nice on you!" I smiled. "Where's Chan?"
"He's setting things up. Remember, no looking." He laughed, walking inside.
"You stay right here, I'm going to go get dressed." I sat outside waiting.

It was finally time to see Chan. It was the first look before the actual wedding and then we had pictures.
"Wear this." Nina handed me a blindfold. "Don't worry. Chan will have one on too."
She walked me over to my seat, sitting me down. I could hear Felix in the distance and then I heard Chan. I started sweating like crazy. I was so nervous.
"On the count of three!" Ha-ri and Felix said in sync. "One.." I was shaking. "Two.." What if he didn't like it? "Three!" I took my blindfold off to reveal Chan sitting a few feet away from me.

"You look amazing!" I smiled

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"You look amazing!" I smiled.
"Wow, you're so gorgeous. That dress is so pretty on you." I twirled around giving him the full affect. "Are those flowers in your hair?"
"Do you like them." He pulled me closer.
"Like them? I love them." He leaned in for a kiss until Ha-ri stopped it.
"Nope! No kissing before the ceremony you two!" She laughed.
I giggled and looked at Chan. "Ready for some pictures?" He nodded.

We walked over in front of the camera, doing multiple poses. We smiled and laughed the whole time. "Come look at them guys!" Felix yelled.
"These are so pretty!" I mentioned.
"I like that one the most." Chan pointed at a picture of me laughing, uncontrollably while he tried to kiss me.
"We were goofing around in that though." I pouted.
"But it shows just how pretty you are." He kissed the back of my hand. "I want this one printed."
"Got it!" Felix ran to Ha-ri. "Here you go." He handed Chan the picture.
"I'm getting this framed. We can show our kids, someday." He giggled.

The ceremony had started and I was a mess. Felix was the best man and the one to walk me down the isle. "Are you ready?"
"I'm so nervous." I ruffled my dress. "Thank you for walking me."
"You're my little sister. This is an honor." He smiled.
The music started playing as we walked down between the chairs. Ha-ri was silently cheering us on the entire way.
I stepped up to where Chan was, as he removed the veil. He smiled, uncontrollably. "You look beautiful." He whispered.

"Today we are wedding these two people, Chan and Nina." The man spoke. "Take each other by the hand, please." We sat there hand in hand. "You may now say your vows."
Chan went first. "Nina, I've known you my whole life and I've always loved you from the start. I remember the first time we met, you were scared. I tried to give you comfort when you were lonely and I tried to give you space when you needed it most. I remember telling you that I would die for you. That I would sacrifice my life for you. Well, that offer still stands. You make me the happiest and because of you, I have never felt more alive. It's you, forever."
I went next. "Chan, when I met you, I didn't know what love felt like. I stayed sick most of my life so I missed out on quite a few things. I remember the day I fell for you. I drove myself insane trying to forget about it because I was dying. But I just couldn't keep myself away from you. You are just the thing I needed most. You keep me alive. And for that, I thank you. It will always be you until death takes us home."
Everyone clapped. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Chan pulled me in for a long kiss.
"I've been wanting to do that all day." He smiled. I pulled him back in for one more.

As we ran down the isle, hand in hand, everyone was rooting for us and we were so happy. We fought hard to get here. From this day forward, we will always be together and never apart. We will meet again in the next life because he was made for me. He was and always will be my guardian love.

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