Chapter XXVI

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Chan was so willing to relearn everything about me. He tended to lean on me all the time and always wanted to be around me. I was his comfort person this time instead of it being the other way around. He asked many questions about me and my background. About my family and Felix. He was different this time. He was clingy and curious as if this was his first day being alive. Almost like a kid on Christmas. I didn't mind it. I adored him either way.

We were sitting on the ground looking up at the stars, tracing eachothers features. "I wish I could remember exactly who you were to me. You make me feel so alive and warm. I must've loved you, dearly." He traced my jawline up to my hair.
"You'll remember, but it's going to take a while." I smiled as he put my hair behind my ear.
"You must be so upset. Come here." He pulled me towards his chest and I laid down with him, comfortably. "I will love you all over again."
This felt so nice, but so painful. We had been through so much together and he remembered nothing.

On my way home, I was sick to my stomach. I was willing to make this work because I wanted it to be him, forever. There was always this voice telling me that I needed to just let him go. Even if he loved me again, he will never be mine. He was never meant to love the way I do. The love in his heart was limited. Maybe I should let him go? He seemed better off when he didn't know me. But if I could go back in time, I'd make the same decision. To love him all over again. Maybe this was my fate, he was my fate. Something told me I couldn't live without him.

When I got home, Felix was waiting for me. "I'm not mad, just wanted to make sure you got home safely." He smiled.
"You didn't have to, but thank you." I gave him a smile back as I took my shoes off.
"There's dinner on the stove. I assume you've already ate, but if not, have anything you want." He stood up from the couch, heading off to bed.
I put my things by the door and headed upstairs to shower.
When I got out, there was a text from Chan that had been waiting for me. "I know this must be hard for you, but I promise I'll remember you the way I used to. Get some rest and eat well." I put the phone on my nightstand, hopping into bed.
This all seemed so sketchy. I wasn't allowed to be around him a few weeks ago and now, he wants to love me? This didn't make since and the timing didn't seem right. Maybe I was being paranoid or even being too cautious this time.

When I woke up, I decided to hang out with Felix for the day. It had been forever since it was just me and him. I went downstairs to wake him up. "Good morning, pookie." I joked.
"Ew, who taught you that?" He rolled over in bed.
"Don't be like that, pookie bear. Let's go do something today." I jumped on his bed.
"Only if you stop calling my pookie." I nodded my head in agreement. "Where are we going?"
"Anywhere we can. We will do everything and anything!" I was excited.
"Okay okay. Let me get dressed." I left the room and waited for him.

Our first stop was the amusement park. Felix was terrified of rides, but always loved adventures.
"Are you really going to make me go on that?" He looked up at the roller coaster, his eyes widened.
"You're being a baby. It's not that bad." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the line.
When we got up to the front, he tried to back out of it. "I think I'm going to be sick."
"You are going to be fine, let's go." We sat in our seats. He held the bar tightly as he looked over at me.
"Seriously, I'm not okay, Nina. I'm going to throw up." He put his hand over his mouth.
As soon as he tried to get off, the ride had started. He screamed every breath and I honestly couldn't help, but to laugh. His face turned a seasick green color as we went through loops.
When getting off of the ride, he nearly fainted. Throwing up in the trash can next to him. "I'm not doing that again."

We went to the next place, which was the beach. We always loved being in the water even when we were young. We practically begged our parents to take us every weekend when dad didn't work.
When we got there, we set up our blanket on the sand. "Want to race to the water?" He gave me a smirk before pushing me out of the way to run.
"That's cheating!" I screamed as I chased him down. "You cheated!" I pushed him in the water.
"I did not!" We fought like children. Splashing the water on eachother and dunking one another under.
I got out to sit on the blanket while Felix built sand castles next to me.
"You're such a child." I giggled.
"And you're not? You just begged me to play mermaids with you." He laughed.
"It's fun!" I rolled my eyes.
"Come build this with me." I sat next to him building these big castles on the sand.

We laughed the whole time, kicking sand at eachother and running around. It had been forever since I had this much fun, especially with Felix.
I had almost forgotten what it felt like to live instead of being alive by force. I had got a second chance and I was for sure going to take the leap this time.
I was going to have as much fun as I possibly could.

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