Chapter XIII

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The next morning, I was desperate to see Chan. I never knew what love felt like until I met him. He was everything I had asked for, in every lifetime that I could have ever been in.
As I walked downstairs, Felix and Chan were sitting on the couch. "Are we fighting?" I asked.
"Of course not. I was telling Felix about our date." My eyes widened. I didn't think we'd tell him so soon.
"Date?" I questioned.
"It's okay. I'm not mad. You can stop pretending." Felix sipped his drink and put it back on the table. "I've actually warmed up to him a bit. He's been here for hours."
"That's great! I was getting a little worried." I sat on the couch next to Chan. He put his arm around me and rested his hand on my thigh. I pushed his hand off and he smirked, grabbing it tighter.
Felix got up from his spot and went to his room. "What's wrong, princess?" He tilted my head with his hand. My heart fluttered.
"My brother is home!" I whispered loudly, pulling away.
"Okay okay. I'll stop." He giggled.

Chan stayed for hours and I loved every second of it. We were home by ourselves until Felix had came home. "Did you two behave?" He smirked at me.
"Oh my god! We didn't do anything." I rolled my eyes.
"I don't care. Just be discreet about it." He giggled, but my face was red.
"We won't be loud." Chan joked and laughed. I was embarrassed to even be talking about this.
"Can we switch the topic, please?" They both chuckled and quickly started talking about something else.
Night time came and Chan never left. I was getting a little worried. "Can I stay here tonight?" He stared at me. He was pouting and I just couldn't say no.
"Of course, pretty boy." I played with his hair.

We went upstairs to get washed up and then I showed him my room. "It's pretty just like you." He looked around some more.
"So, are we sleeping together?" I stuttered. He walked closer to me.
"Do you want to?" He leaned in and kissed me. He pinned me up against the wall. He intertwined our fingers. I didn't want to move away. My hands wrapped around his neck. He pulled away. "We're sharing the same bed for tonight." He laid down.
"You can't do that." I wanted more.
"Do what? Kiss you?" He tilted his head.
"Not that! What you just did!"
"What did I do, princess?" He said in a whiny voice.
I ignored his question and laid down.

Throughout the night, I could feel his hands around me. They were warm. It was the first night I had gotten any sleep since I was diagnosed with my illness. I turned over to face him. He was sound asleep. I played with his hair and hummed as if I was luring him to sleep. He squinted to look at me. "What're you doing up, love?" He sat up a bit.
"Making sure you're sleeping well." I smiled and continued to play with his hair. He pulled me closer and laid his head on my chest. I hummed him back to sleep and immediately fell asleep with him.

When I woke up, Chan was gone. I called his phone, but he never answered. I ran downstairs to see him cooking breakfast. "Did you call?" I nodded my head. "I promise, I wouldn't leave without telling you. Come eat." He put the food on the table and sat me down. "Open." He grabbed a spoon.
"Are you going to do this every time?"
"Absolutely. Now open." I opened my mouth. "Good girl. Make sure you eat." We ate together and talked for hours.
When we were done, I washed the dishes. He wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Let me do them." He whispered in my ear.
"I'll do them. You go sit down."
"I want to watch my pretty girl." He held me tighter and gently kissed my neck. I almost pulled away, but instead I tilted my head to give him more access. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No." I said, firmly. I turned around and kissed him. He lifted me up and put me on the counter without breaking the kiss. His hands were all over me. I pulled away, heavy breathing. "Can we do something else?"
"You don't want to do this?" He asked.
"I don't want to clean right now." I kissed him again and wrapped my legs around him.
"Are you sure?" He pulled away.
"Please." He carried me upstairs and shut my door. He laid me on the bed without breaking the kiss.
He gently kissed my jawline down to my neck. My hands slid down his bare back. I pulled my shirt off and threw it on the floor.

We laid next to eachother, completely vulnerable. He played with my hair and kept kissing my forehead. I played with his hands. Slowly tracing his veins.
He stood up and got dressed. "Felix will be home soon." He smiled.
"Are you going to lay back down?" I pouted.
"I'm going to go clean and then go home for the night, princess." He kissed my head and went downstairs.
I followed him and helped out before Felix arrived. He walked through the door and looked pale.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ran up to him. He sobbed in my arms. We dropped to the floor.
"I read your will." I had forgotten about it.
"I'm sorry, Lix." I patted his back.
"I can't lose you. You're all I have. I can't live without you." He screamed.

His words tore me to pieces. I wanted to curse everything for putting this sweet boy through so much pain. He never deserved this. The world was so cruel to him. I'd die for him in every lifetime just to give him what he deserves.

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