Chapter XXI

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For the next couple of days, I set out to find Chan. I went to every place I thought he would be, but nothing. It's like he faded. I brought him up to Felix, but he didn't know who I was talking about. He thought I was going insane.
"Felix, can we talk?" I knocked on his bedroom door.
"Come in." I opened the door, gently sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Something happened a few days ago. I met a man who seemed oddly familiar." I stared down, trying to find the words to explain it. "You're going to think I'm crazy, but I changed my fate in exchange for him. So now, he doesn't know who I am."
"Did you take your meds today?" He stared at me with his eyebrows raised, in utter shock.
"It's not about the medicine! What happened was real. I need you to believe me."
"Why don't we go to the doctor today." He grabbed me by the shoulders to help me up. I quickly smacked his hands.
"I'm not going! This all happened and he needs me. I need him. Please." Tears formed as I stared into his eyes, practically begging.
"I don't think you're crazy. I think you're just traumatized. You were sick for months and now you're not. You have so much to relearn." He patted my back.
"You're supposed to be the one person I can count on." I got up, slamming the front door as I walked outside.

I ran to the nearest cafe, hoping I'd run into him. He came here a lot when he wasn't with me. I sat down, looking out the window while I watched everyone pass by.
Hours went by and he never showed. No one knew who he was and I felt alone. I promised I would never forget him and that I would be the first person to love him, endlessly. All of this was my fault.
I hoped it would have been easier. To just forget and find my way back to him later, but this wasn't like that. Something was keeping us apart. Anytime he felt something, he's immediately taken away. As if he's being reset.
On my way home, I noticed the flowers on my street were dying. Those beautiful things that kept me going and gave me something to look forward to were wilting away in front of me.
I mourned them as if I loved them. They reminded me of Chan way too much. My heart sank and slowly broke with every touch as I picked the flowers. Gently putting them to rest.

When I got home, Felix was waiting for me by the car. "I thought about what you said. I don't understand it, but if it'll make you happy, let's go." He opened the car door, initiating for me to get in.
"Thank you so much." My words were muffled, as I burrowed into his neck giving him a hug. "You don't have to believe me, I just need you with me."
We got in the car, driving down his street. His house was there, but he wasn't. I knocked on the door until it bruised my knuckles. There was no answer. There was no sign that he ever existed.
We drove down to the beach and at that moment something told me I was in the right place at the wrong time. I ran to the shore line, desperately searching. I saw a man at the other end, against my better judgment, I ran to him. Grabbing his hand.
"How much longer until you give up on him?" The man turned around only to reveal the man I made a deal with.
"Where is he?" I backed away.
"He simply doesn't exist anymore and he never will." He smirked and circled me. "Unless, you're strong enough to overcome me."
"What are you talking about?"
"You have something no human does. You're different. Your mind is strong and your eyes hold many emotions." He leaned in, whispering in my ear. "Bring him back yourself." He walked away, disappearing in the distance before I could get another word in.

Later that night, I kept thinking about what he said. His words echoed in my head. How was I supposed to bring him back? I was nothing compared to him. I knew I needed to let him go, but how could I? He needed me.
As I drifted off to sleep, I woke up in a strange place. it was a big white room that had no end. It was warm and bright. I walked for what seemed like hours.
"Do I know you?" A man's voice said behind me. I quickly turned around.
"Chan?" He walked into the light. "Chan!" I ran up to him, crying in his chest.
"How'd you get here?" He hugged me back tighter.
"I'm not sure. I'm sorry I forgot you. I promise that even when I didn't remember you, I still loved you." He caressed my face as I cried into his hand.
"It's going to be okay." He stepped back, with a sad expression. "Nina, I broke every rule loving you. I can't come back this time. Even if I do, I won't remember anything about you."
"I'll make you love me again! I need you! I will find you and love you all over again!" The lights shut off as I woke up in a cold sweat. I checked my phone for any sign of him, but there was nothing.

I walked outside for some fresh air and to cool off a bit. I didn't know what to do. Would I only see him in my dreams? The man kept saying my mind was strong and told me to bring him back on my own, but how? I was a human that fell in love with an angel. Things like this were nearly impossible and only in the fantasy books I had read. I wanted to give up, but I knew deep down that he was begging me to find him again. Even if I have to make him love me, this is not the end. I will bring him back myself.

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