Chapter X

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A few days later, I was pulled into the kitchen by Felix. He was holding a handful of papers. He carefully went through them as I read the top of one. "Medical Bill" Were those all mine?
"What's that?" I said as if I didn't already know.
"Look, I don't want you to worry. It's the medical bills. I promise they will get paid." He smiled slightly.
"I'll pay them." I darted. "I'll get a job and save every penny I make."
"You can't! You need to worry about doing things you want to do." I wanted to help. They were MY medical bills, not his. "I'll pick up a second job and pay for the expenses."
"They're not yours. They're my responsibility. Let me do this." I persuaded.
"No and that's final. You have other things to focus on." He was stubborn, but it just meant, he cares.

Later that day, my phone rang. As I looked down, I noticed it was Chans number. "Hi!" I answered.
"Hi. I don't if you're busy today, but I wanted to see if you'd like to do something."
"I'm not busy. What are we doing?" I questioned.
"Thank god. I bought two tickets for the amusement park." A whole day alone with him. I was nervous.
"I'd love to go with you." I smiled and giggled.
"I'll be by to pick you up in about an hour!"
"Okay." I hung up.

I sprinted to the bathroom. "You're going to fall!" Felix shouted.
"I'm in a hurry!" I quickly closed the door and stepped into the shower.
After getting out, I grabbed my makeup bag. As I put my makeup on, I plugged in the straightener. My hair didn't hold curls so it often was pencil straight. My hands were shaky as I put my eyeliner on. Why was I so nervous? I hung out with him alone all the time, but this time it felt different.
A few minutes later, I fled to my room to pick out my best outfit. Holding the clothes up to me while standing in front of the mirror, throwing them on the bed afterwards. "I don't know what to wear! This is so frustrating!" This was so hard.
After contemplating my existence for five minutes straight, I finally found the perfect outfit.

After contemplating my existence for five minutes straight, I finally found the perfect outfit

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It was perfect for spring. The sleeves were light but thick enough to keep me warm and the dress was the perfect fit.
As I headed downstairs, Felix stopped me. "Where are you going wearing something like that?" Was he serious?
"I'm going out with Chan for the day and what's wrong with this?" I looked down and twirled for him.
"It's super pretty, but I'm not sure if I like that slit." He trailed off.
"I'm sure it'll be fine." I patted his shoulder.
"If that's what you want to wear." He walked to the kitchen.
I sat on the couch and kept checking my phone. I bounced my leg while staring at the door. It felt like I had been here forever. As I checked my phone. Chan rang the door bell. I opened it. He dressed well.

He greeted me at the door

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He greeted me at the door. "You look so pretty. That dress looks very nice on you." He smiled and turned red.
"Thank you. You look so handsome in that outfit." We were both blushing. My face was completely flushed.
"Let me drive you today." I nodded my head and followed him to the car. His car was nice and the inside smelled nice.

When we arrived, he opened my door for me. "What a gentleman you are." I smiled as he helped me out of the car. As soon as we got through the gates, I felt like a kid again. I was excited, running around. "I haven't been to one of these in ages. Oh my god, look at that." I pointed towards the rides. He followed me everywhere and never asked questions. "Can we ride it?" My eyes lit up.
"Anything for you, come on." Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and walked me over. I was too nervous to say anything. I just followed him.
When we got on the ride, I leaned back in my seat as it spun around slowly, watching the lights flash. "You have no clue how pretty you look right now." He stared at me the whole time. Our eyes met and I gave him a smile. I didn't know what to say. We held eye contact for, what seemed like forever. I noticed him leaning in slowly and so I did the same thing. As I leaned in, we were interrupted by the ride stopping, I pulled away. "Let's go to the next one!" I stuttered and avoided what almost happened. I must be out of my mind.
"Which one next?" He looked over as we walked.
"Hmm. That one!" I pointed to a roller coaster.
We walked over to it and got into our seats. I was terrified. Chan saw and grabbed my hand. "You're okay. I got you." He squeezed my hand tightly.
As the roller coaster went up, I was afraid. I had never been on one. "Relax." He held my arm. "Everything's okay."
As it went down, I screamed. It was fun and so thrilling, but terrifying to experience. Chan giggled as he held me tight.

After we rode a few more rides, we walked towards the car. "Did you have fun?" He smiled.
"I did. Didn't you?" I nudged him.
"Only because I was with you." He stopped and leaned in really close. I balled my hands into a fist, scared of what he was doing. He leaned away. "You're really pretty when you get flustered like that." He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I looked down, wanting to let go so this wouldn't get anymore awkward.
"Stop that. My face is all red." I let go of his hand to smack his shoulder, carefully.
"Why'd you let go of my hand?" He pouted.
I acted clueless. "Why do you want to hold my hand?"
"To keep you safe from the traffic we're about to pass." He pointed to the street that we had to cross.
"It's okay, I'll just stay close to you." I smiled.

When we arrived at home, I got out of the car, grabbing my bag. "I like spending time with you." He looked over at me.
"I like spending time with you too." I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled.
"I'll call you when I get home." He backed out of the driveway.
I walked inside to my parents at the table.
"Where have you been?" My mom asked.
"At the amusement park. Is something wrong?" They all looked down. "Felix?" He didn't answer. "Dad, what's going on?"
"Come sit down." He patted the seat next to him. "We think it's time you write your will." My heart sunk. "You only have 2 months left."
"Can this wait? I had a good time tonight." I looked at my mom.
"The longer we wait, the more this will hurt you." I didnt want to come to terms with it.
"I'm not writing this right now. I am enjoying life, please let me." I wasn't mad at them. I just wanted to spend my last days, happy. I stormed off to my room.
"Nina!" I heard Felix yell from downstairs.

I locked my bedroom door and changed into something more comfortable. I know I need to figure this stuff out, but for the first time, I don't remember that I'm sick. I feel normal and in place. Chan makes me feel that way. Why can't they be more considerate?

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