Chapter XXIII

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The very next day, I prepared to meet up with Chan. He never gave me his phone number so I had to meet him at the hospital again. I put on my best outfit. I wanted something that might spark a memory in him. Something that reminded him of me. I put on the outfit that I wore on our first date.

It was the dress I wore when we went to the amusement park

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It was the dress I wore when we went to the amusement park. It was the first moment that I knew I had fallen for him and he did too.
I walked out the front door, waving goodbye to Felix as I grabbed my shoes in a hurry. I walked there because it was close to my house. I stood outside waiting to find him.

A few minutes passed as I saw him walk towards the door. With every step he took, I stepped back. I'm not sure why I get so sick, but I was not risking it today. "Hi!" I shouted and waved from afar.
He came closer, still having the cold glare in his eyes. "Where are we eating?" His hands were in his pocket, unamused.
"I was thinking that cafe!" I pointed to the nearest one. It was his favorite and he went every chance he could.
"Good choice. I go there a lot." He walked away, slowly turning around. "You coming?"
I walked with him, keeping my distance. When we arrived, we sat in front of each other. My chair was pulled out at a distance to avoid getting sick. "You can sit closer, you know?"
"I actually can't. It's because of my illness." Although I wasn't sick anymore, I couldn't tell him the actual reason.

There was silence as we ate. I used to enjoy the quiet, but now I don't. Every time it goes silent, something happens. "You go to that hospital a lot. Are you sick?" I broke the silence.
"No. I just get this feeling that I'm supposed to be there. It's weird." He continued eating. I wondered if I was the reason he felt like that. If some part of him knew me deep down.
"That's not weird. I get the same feeling." I didn't, but when I didn't know him, that feeling lingered every time I walked through those doors.
"You said you knew me." I looked up. "So how exactly do you know me?" I didn't know what to say. I froze in fear.
"Well." I hesitated. "I see you there a lot. You know, with me being sick." I tried to switch the topic. "So you must live close if you walk here everyday."
"I live down the street." With every sentence, I could feel his interest slowly fading.

After a few minutes, he stood up from his chair. "Thank you for this, but there's something I need to do." He walked out, but I chased after him.
"Wait!" I grabbed his hand. My ears ringing and my nose bleeding. I collapsed.
I tried speaking, but nothing was coming out. He dropped to the floor. "Are you okay?" He was making it worse, but I couldn't say anything.
He picked me up and rushed me to the hospital as I slowly went in and out of consciousness. I could hear faint sounds of the monitors as they put me on a stretcher. "Miss? Are you hurt?" I couldn't respond. Chan was next to me the whole time.
I was laid onto a bed while being hooked up to machines. "We're losing her!" I saw a faint light as the sounds faded in the background. "Sir, you need to wait outside, please." I faintly heard the doctors.
The moment he stepped out the door, I was fine. Everything was normal. I was weak from fighting it.

I laid there for hours with no visitations. I slowly drifted off the sleep when the nurses gave me more fluids.
I woke up on the beach. The beach I always go to. There was a man next to me. "You did it." I looked over.
"Did what?" He stepped closer. "Stay away from me." I stepped back.
"You brought him back, but now you can't have him." He smirked.
"Why is it so bad for him to love me?"
"He's not suppose to! He's supposed to take care of you, protect you. He cannot love you. That's what angels do. It's their job!" I walked closer to him.
"Let me love him. He doesn't have to love me, but let me get close enough to love him, please." I begged like I was begging to live. "Even if my illness has to come back, I'll die for him."
"You were set to die days ago. If your illness comes back, you will die almost instantly."
"Assign him to someone else. Let him love me as a stranger and not a guardian angel." He stared at me.
"He will never love you if he is assigned to someone else. He will always feel like he is betraying the person he is meant to protect." All of this was confusing. There was nothing else I could do.
"Please, let me love him. I would sacrifice my life for him." He walked away with no answer.

I was left with no answers. I sobbed on the shore. I screamed every breath. This was all so cruel. He'll never remember who I am, but I will always remember him. He doesn't have to go through the pain of keeping his distance, but I do. Sometimes I wish I would've died. Maybe all of this would've been easier. Maybe I could've loved him even in death and he would've loved me too.

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