Chapter XII

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A couple days later, I held that will in hands. I've held onto that will with my life. I'm afraid that it will not be good enough for my family. Maybe it wasn't long enough or not up to their standards. I didn't want to start a fight with them. They had a lot going on and I did too. So I folded the paper back up and hid it in my desk.
I immediately picked my phone up to check my messages. There was one. "I had fun last night. I'm so sorry you felt the need to beg for your life. I'm always here if you need anything, I promise." It read.
"We should go to the beach today! It's supposed to be super nice out, plus I've never been. Let's go!" I responded.
I wanted to respond to that last message, but it tears me apart every time I think about it. I want to forget all about it and pretend none of this exists. I don't want to die.

I walked downstairs to grab breakfast, Chan was waiting on the couch. "I got your message." He held up his phone.
"How'd you get here so fast and who let you in?" I looked around for Felix.
"Felix did when he left." He got up. "Are we leaving now or do you want me to make you some breakfast?" He got closer to me. He was so close, I could feel him breathing, without breaking eye contact, I answered.
"I'm so hungry!" I got closer and tilted my head.
"I'll make you some breakfast!" He backed up and patted my head.
He went over to counter and made all sorts of my favorites. I ran up behind him and put my head on his shoulder. He reached back and caressed my head. I sat there for a moment and watched him cook. I saw him looking at me and giggling. "What?" I laughed.
"You look so pretty when you watch me." My heart fluttered. My face was red. I stepped back. "Stay with me." He whined.
"My face is all red." He turned around and walked towards me. I walked back, but the counter stopped me from going any further. He leaned in, right next to my ear.
"Does this make it worse?" He whispered. It sent chills down my spine. "So it does." He smirked and leaned back. He walked back to the stove while I sat with my hands on my face.
I walked over to the table and sat down while he brought the food.

We set the table together. We sat in front of each other until he stood up to move next to me. "I want to sit next to you."
"You don't want to see my pretty face?" I pouted.
"I can see it just fine from here." He smiled. The entire time, he insisted on feeding me. "Open." As he held the spoon.
"I can feed myself, you know?"
"Come on, open." I opened my mouth for him. "Good job."
"Don't baby talk me." I laughed and hit his shoulder.
"Why not?" He smirked and got closer.
"Because I'm not a baby." I got closer. We were inches away from each other. He stared at my lips, but I couldn't move away from his eyes. He leaned in slowly while I stood still. He stopped.
"Does this make you flustered?" I couldn't answer. "Your face is all red. I guess I have my answer." He pulled away.
I stood up quickly. "I'm going to go get dressed. Finish eating." He giggled as I left the room.

I stood in my room while my heart raced. Do I like him? I wanted to kiss him, badly. I ached for it. I froze every time he tried. He made me nervous. I'd do anything for him.
I quickly picked out my clothes for the beach. I wanted to impress him.

I had settled on one

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I had settled on one. I grabbed my things and went downstairs. "Are you ready?" I looked at Chan.
He stared at me the entire time and couldn't take his eyes off of me. "You have no idea just how gorgeous you look right now." He walked towards me.
"Do you like it?" I twirled to show him the whole thing.
"I like you in it." He laughed.
We walked out the door and got into the car. We sang along to songs the whole way there with the windows rolled down.

When we arrived, he opened the door for me just like he always has. He held my hand the whole way down. We were the only ones there. "Are you getting in?" I asked while playing around.
"I'm coming." He took his shirt off and laid it on the blanket. I kept staring, but I tried not to. "You can stare if you want to." He smiled.
"I'm not staring!" I turned around the other way. I felt his hands wrap around my waist from behind.
"You were, but I don't mind." He rested his head in my neck. He turned me around. "I like being with you." I couldn't answer. I immediately pulled away and started splashing him with water.
We played like children. He picked me up and carried me out deeper. Hours felt like minutes and before I knew it, I was inches away from him. "What's wrong?" He asked, worried.
I wasn't scared anymore. I got closer to him and leaned in, but I stopped. "I like you. Not as a friend. I want you in every way." He leaned in and closed the gap between us, slowly wrapping his hands around my waist and picking me up.
We pulled away. "I've been waiting for you to say it." He leaned back in. I kissed him back, harder than before.

When it got dark, we walked towards the car, hand in hand. Swinging our arms back and forth. "Felix might be a little upset, but it's worth it." I said to break the silence.
"I'll wait forever for his approval." I smiled and got in the car.
When I got home, Chan walked me to the door. He kissed me and walked to his car. I went inside, putting my shoes by the door.
I peaked in Felix's room to tell him I was home. He was sleeping and I didn't want to bother him. I ran upstairs and went into my room. I slipped into something comfortable.
I grabbed the will from my desk and went back downstairs. I walked into his room and put it on his nightstand. I was ready to give it to him. He deserved to know.

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