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I wake up to the sound of my alarm; gosh, I swear it gets louder every day.

Today are volleyball tryouts for the school team, and I'm so nervous. I haven't made any friends since I started college. Yeah, I know it's embarrassing.

I mean, you can't blame me; working at the bakery has been very time-consuming. But I need the money, being a broke collage student isn't helpful.

I just want this year to be different and more exciting. I care way to much, it's a problem.

I quickly tie my hair back and put on some shorts and my old volleyball jersey and pack my bag.

Water bottle, check
Knee and elbow pads,check
And a sweater, check

Ok i'm good to go.

Once I grab my backpack,I head out to my car. The campus is not far from my apartment. It's like a 10-minute drive.

Our schools Main teams this year are soccer and football so all the players get to share a house close to the campus.

Once I get inside the campus gym, I set my things aside and head on to the court to start stretching.

Hey, I'm Grace!" a blond-haired girl says beside me. She has the prettiest pair of blue eyes I have ever seen.

"Hi, I'm Maddison!"

"Are you new here? I feel like I've never seen you around campus."

No, I'm not; I've been here since my freshman year."

"Omg same!"

I love her energy; she reminds me of a golden retriever.

"There's a party tonight at the soccer team's house. Want to come with me?"

"sure! I would love to"

"Great, give me your number so I can pick you up."

I give her my number, and then the tryouts start.

After tryouts, I head home and start getting ready for the party.

Hey lovely's!
thank you so much for reading this chapter!
feel free to comment and give me your opinions.

word count: 318

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