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Since everyone is going to the girls game, I decided to visit my mom and sister. They live about 35 minutes from campus, so I'm starting to head out now.

The car ride is silent but filled with my thoughts.

I think my mom and my sister are the only people I care about. Other than Sam,Carter, Grace, and Lia.

Not Maddison.

Once I reach their house, I knock on the door, and a few seconds later, I'm getting hugged like I've been missing for years. The hug was just what I needed.

"Hey mom," I breathe out.

Hi, my beautiful baby," she says.

"Where's Lily?" I say, confused.

"She's at Ava's house. Why don't you go see Ava? You guys used to be so close."

"Sure, I'll go."

Ava is a family friend I was really close with when I was younger. She helped me a lot. So maybe it's a good idea to see her.

Once I get to her house, I knock on the door, and Lily opens it. Lily is my 7-year-old little sister, and I love her so much. I will do anything to protect her.

"Hey Huntty," she says excitedly.

"Hey princess," I say, smiling.

After our hug, Ava walked in with a surprised look on her face.

"Hunter! I haven't seen you in so long." she says

"Hey Ava, I missed you," I say.

After a bit of catching up and three games of Go Fish, we decided to go get ice cream.

We take my car and drive to the nearby ice cream place. We all go in and order them. Sit down at a table and wait.

"So anyone special?" Ava says

No, you?" I say.

"No," she says.

After about 3 minutes, ice cream comes, and we all eat.

"I love this flavour!" Lily says

Me and Ava both smile, and Lily insists on my taking them to the soccer house.

"Please Huntty! I want it to see Carter." Lily has an obsession with Carter.

"Ok, fine," I say.

We all get back into the car and drive back to the soccer house.


Once we arrive, Lily runs out of the car and straight into the house.

"Carter!" she screams.

"Hey Lily," he says excitedly.

I introduce Ava to the boys while the girls are on the couch watching a movie.

Hey, Ava, want to meet the girls?" I ask.

"Of course!" she says.

We both walk into the living room, interrupting their movie.

"Hey guy, this is Ava," I say.



"THAT SMILE THO," Maddison says.

Me and Ava take a seat on the couch, and they pause the movie to talk to her.

"So where do you live?" Grace asks.

"I live about 35 minutes north from here," Ava says.

"So are you Hunter's new fuck buddy?" Madison asked jokingly

Ew, never," Ava says, grossed out.

"Wow, thanks guys," I say.

A few minutes later, Lily comes to join in, and they all start to talk about princesses.

I leave and stand up to join the guys.

"Hey Hunter, are you fucking her?" Sam asked.

No, dumbass, she's a family friend." I say annoyed.

We talk a bit more before I drag Ava and Lily out to drive them home.


Maddison Scott

The game went well; we won, and then we all headed back to the house.

Since we were all tired, we decided to order food and just watch movies for the rest of the day.

"DOES ANYONE HAVE MY CHARGER?" Lia yells from across the house.

YEAH, I HAVE IT!" Carter yells back.

"YOU BITCH," She says.

They are so funny together.

After Lia and Grace are both done taking showers and getting changed, the food arrives, and we all head to the kitchen table.

Madison, do you mind getting Hunter for me?" Sam says.

"Yeah sure"

Hunter has been such a bitch lately. He's been ignoring me all day. I don't know what's up his ass.

I walk into his room and don't find him there, so I check his bathroom, but he's still not here. I walk back downstairs into the kitchen to tell Sam.

"He's not here," I say.

Oh, he must be out then," he says.

We all eat the food, then decide to watch a movie. About halfway in, I hear Hunter's voice in the kitchen. He must be back.

A few minutes later, he walks in with a beautiful girl next to him. He introduces her to us, and we all give her compliments.

"So are you Hunter's new fuck buddy?" I say it jokingly.

Ew, never," she says, grossed out.

"Wow, thanks guys," Hunter says.

A few minutes later, Hunter's little sister Lily comes in, and we all start talking about princesses.

"My favourite is Bell," I say.

"My name is Ariel," she says with a huge smile on her face. After we're done talking, Hunter drags them out to drive them home, and we all go to bed.

Another long night on the couch


word count-869

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