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Maddison Scott

I wake up the next morning to Grace and Lia walking up to me.

"Hey girl," Grace says.

"Where am I?" I say.

"You're in Hunter's room," Lia says.

"That bitch," I say, and they both laugh.

"How are you feeling?" Grace asks

"My head hurts," I say.

"Awww," Lia says as she comes over and hugs me.

After a few minutes of talking with them about what happened,Hunter walks in carrying a plate of food.

"Hey, I brought her food; yours is downstairs," He says quietly to Grace and Lia.

They both walk downstairs to eat, and then it's just me and Hunter.

Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say back.

"Here's some food. You don't have to eat it," He says.

"Thank you," I say, smiling. It looks so good.

He heads to the bathroom to take a shower while I continue eating this food sent from heaven.

When he's done, he comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I can't help but stare. thankful he didn't see.

He grabs his clothes and heads back into the bathroom to change while I eat the rest of the food on my plate.

After he's done, he grabs my plate, and Grace and Lia come back upstairs.

"Hey girl, we called a doctor to come check on you," Grace says. You could tell she's worried about me, and I can't help but feel guilty.

A few minutes later, a Hunter comes in with a doctor following behind him.

"Hello Madison," the doctor says.

"Hi," I say weakly.

"So can you tell me what happened?"

I tell him what happened last night, making sure not to leave out details.

He finishes with the regular checkups and tells me I have a 2-grade concussion and I need to stay in bed for the next two weeks for it to fully recover.

I groan and fall back to sleep since I guess that's what I'll occupy my time with for the next two weeks.


word count:348

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