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Hunter Davis

I wake up to Maddison not in my arms. She must have left already. I stand up and get ready for the day.

I walk downstairs and make myself some breakfast.

"Hey" Carter says grabbing cereal from the pantry.

"Hey, do you know where Maddison is?" I ask

"Yeah she had work" he replies pouring the cereal into the bowl.

"Oh ok"

I've been feeling so much better lately. I think the fact that it's almost Christmas is helping. I still need to buy stuff for everyone. Maybe i'll go tomorrow.

I sit down on the couch and turn the tv on. I'm watching some police show when I get a text from Ava. She so fucking annoying. She's been texting me all week about how we should get together and how she likes me. I don't like her, not like that.

I just keep ignoring her messages hoping she will stop but it's not working.

"hey Hunter" Grace says sitting beside me.


"i'm so tired" she says yawning

"Same, I think i'm going to visit my mom you should come"

"OMG YES, WHEN?" she says


"OK! let me get ready" she says standing up and rushing upstairs.

My mom and Lily love my friends especially Carter.

"Carter i'm going to see my mom wanna come?"

"Of course I haven't seen Lily in a while"

"Ok get ready" I says smiling.

Once they're all ready we get into my car and drive off.

Around 30 minutes later we arrive and walk up to the door.

"HI CARTER" Lily says running up to Carter

"OMG GRACE" she says running to Grace too.

"Hey sweetie" my mom says to me.

"Hey mom"

we all walk in and Grace,Lily, and Carter go straight into the living room to play a board game.

"How are you feeling" my mom says

"Better" I say

"Has Ava talked to you at all?" I say

"No she hasn't why?"

"Never mind" I say helping her put away some dishes.

After i'm done helping her I walk into the living room to join the others.

"Hunty come play, you can be on my team!" Lily says pulling me to the couch.

after a lot of rounds of monopoly we all decided to put in a movie instead.

"Hunter" Lily says


"When can I see Maddison?"

"I'm not sure maybe another day"

she pouts and continues to watch the movie.

Once Lily falls asleep we decide to pause the movie for her and head out.

"Bye mom" I say giving her a hug

"Bye sweetie"

we all say our goodbyes and head back to the car.

"Lily is so cute" Grace says

"She is" I says smiling.

Once we're home I sit back down on the couch until I hear Maddison walk in.

"Hey girl" Grace says to her.

"hey" she says back.

she walks upstairs carrying a bunch of bags. She went Christmas shopping i assume.

This is the perfect chance to ask her what she wants so I follow her back upstairs.

"So what would a girl like you want for Christmas?" I say walking into the room.

"A girl like me doesn't want anything" she says

"i'm sure she does"

"No she doesn't"

"It's fine i'll find out what you want"

she rolls her eyes and goes to sleep.

I pull her blanket over her body and move the pieces of hair out of her face.

I stand back up and go to sleep myself.

word count-588

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