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Maddison Scott

It's been a week since Hunter started acting up. He's getting better, though. He's talked a few times, and he's now attending practices.

Tomorrow we have a game, so I'm going to ask Hunter if he wants to come; I just need to find the right time to ask.

Me, Grace, and Lia are currently at the mall shopping since we have nothing else to do.

Guys, I'm starving," Grace says, whining.

Ok, let's stop by the food court," I say, turning around.

Once we get to the food court, we get some McDonald's and find a table.

"I think I'm going to ask Hunter to come to the game." I say shoving a fry in the mouth.

"You should; he needs to get out of bed."
Lia takes a bite of her burger.

"So, Maddison. What's going on between you and Hunter?" Grace asked, smiling at me.

"What do you mean?" I'm confused.

"I mean, you guys have been less mean to each other, and in Jamaica, you guys were being extra friendly." Grace says.

"Not to mention you guys cuddling." Lia adds

Oh, shut up." I'm rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say, I know for a fact that you two will be dating by the end of the year." Grace says she's smiling.

I roll my eyes as I stand up and throw my garbage out.

I mean, I don't like him. right?

I walk back to the table, and we all continue shopping.

OMG, I'm going to buy Carter this for Christmas!" Grace is holding up a customized skateboard.

OMG, he will love that." Lia says

Ok, let me just quickly buy it." Grace says as she walks into the store.

After a few more hours of shopping, we head back home.

Wow, did you guys buy the whole store?" Carter says this as we walk in with a bunch of bags.

"Very funny," I say, making a face at him.

I walk upstairs and head into Hunter's room.

Hey," I say.

"Hi," He replies. I didn't expect him to answer.

I lay down on my bed and take a quick nap until I'm interrupted by hearing someone walk out of our room. I assume it's Hunter, so I follow him to the kitchen.

Hey," I say.

Hi," he says back, not making eye contact.

"We have a game tomorrow if you want to come." I say

"I don't know right now, Madds." He says.

Hunter, what's wrong? You haven't talked to any of us for weeks."

"I just can't."

I walk up to him and hug him. I know he needs this right now. He wraps his hands around my waist and sinks his head into my neck.

"Well, whenever you're ready, you can come talk.
to me." I'm pulling out of the hug.

Thanks," He says as we boys walk back upstairs and lay back down on our beds.

"Good night, Hunter."

"Good night, Madds."
word count: 495

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