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Maddison Scott

When I wake up, everyone is still sleeping, so I decide to make breakfast for them.

I get all the ingredients out and start making pancakes, still trying to be as quiet as possible.

Before I put them on the pan, I wake everyone up because it takes them about 15 minutes to fully wake up.

"Good morning, guys."

"Good morning," they all say tiredly.

"here's breakfast"

"Thanks, Maddie, it looks great!" Grace says.

Carter, let's make a soft moan, "Bro, these are amazing."

"Thank you!"

"Yeah, madds, there great." Hunter smirks

I roll my eyes and ignore him. He's such a bitch.

The girls and I make the boys clean up while we all get ready for class.

"Does anyone have any clothes I can borrow?" I shout from across the house.

Since I slept over, I have no clothes here, and the girls don't have any spare clothes.

No, sorry, there in the wash," Carter yells.

"Shit maddie same," Sam tells me.

"I do," a hunter says.

Great, just what I needed.

"I'll grab them in just a second," he blurts out.

"Ok," I say annoyed.

He grabs me the clothes, and I go change in the washroom. a pair of sweats and a Queens sweater—not too bad.

Once I get changed, I head back to the kitchen to make myself some coffee and head out to class.


After class, I get a call from my apartment complex.


"Hi, is this Madison Scott?"

"Yes, it is."

"We would like to inform you that your apartment has been burned down, and we could only save so much."

"what,your joking" I say pissed.

"Sadly not; please come pick up the rest of your belongings before 5 p.m. today."

I hang up. worst day ever.

I call Grace to come pick me up and help me get my stuff. and she's here in a few minutes.

Once we're in my apartment, we gather some clothes and other belongings and head out.

"How did it even burn it down?" She says she's annoyed.

"I have no clue," I say.

"So can I stay with you?

"Girl, you know I would love that, but me and Lia both can't our landlords are assholes, and they definitely won't let you stay, plus there's no room. but you can ask the boys if you can stay at their house."

"Dang it, thank you, though I'll ask them"


Me: Guys, my apartment burned down. Can I stay with you for a while?

Carter: He'll yeah! free breakfast for days!

Sam: That would be awesome, but there's no spare room.

me: Can I sleep on the couch?

Carter: Sure, if you want!

me:ok cool me and Grace are almost here.

Once me and Grace get into the house, I put my suitcase in an empty closet, so it's not taking up any space.

Since it's 6 p.m., I'll make dinner for everyone. I've decided to make pasta since it's quick.


They all come running down the stairs and take a plate.

"This is great, thanks, Maddie," Carter says.

"Yeah, no worries."

"Thank you, Maddie," Sam says while giving me a side hug.

"Could use more seasoning," Hunter says under his breath.

"Oh fuck you," I say.


I'm so pissed off that I just leave. That jerk thinks I'm going to be one of his fuckgirls. no way. not in a million years.

Are you sure Maddie?
Hope you enjoyed<33

word count:587

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