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Hunter Davis

I woke up the next morning at 6:30. I love waking up early on vacation. Since everyone is still sleeping, I go get coffee for at the little shop they have in the lobby.

I go down the elevator and walk into the shop.

"6 coffees, please," I say to the cashier.

Once I get the coffee, I head back upstairs to the rooms.

I start by giving Carter his

"Hey Carter, wake up; I brought you coffee," I say as I set mine and his on the table.

I leave the room and walk into Madison and Grace's room.

Guys, wake up; I brought you coffee."

I set their coffee on the table and got hummed thank you's.

I walk into Sam and Lia's room, hopping they were to clothed.Thank goodness they were.

Guys, wake up; I brought you coffee."

I don't get a response, but I know they're up.

I walk back to my room to get ready for the day. A few minutes later, I hear a knock on our door.

"Come in"

Grace and Madison both walk into our room still in their pyjamas.

Grace goes straight to Carter, and Madison lies in my bed.

"What are we doing today?" Maddison asks

"Not sure," I say.

"I'll text the group chat," Grace says, cuddling with Carter.


Grace: What do we want to do today?

Lia: I'm not sure, but maybe we can be at the beach?

Grace: Yeah, that sounds good! Meet at Hunter's room when you're ready.


Ok, I'm going to get my swimsuit," Madison says as she gets out of bed.

Yeah, me too," Grace says as they both leave.

I finish getting ready and just wait until they all come into our room.

"So you and Grace?" I say

"I don't know. I mean, I really like her, but iI don't know if she wants to be in a relationship"

"Ask her today."

Yeah, maybe I will."

I'm currently laying on my bed watching some episodes of The Simpsons when Grace and Madison walk in.

"What are you watching?" Madison asks, lying beside me.

"The Simpsons"

We watch together until Lia and Sam barge in.

"LETS GO!" Lia yells as she walks in.

We all get up, grab our towels, and walk into the elevator.

"Shit Maddie, that burn looks bad," Lia says, looking at Madison's neck.

Yeah, it hurts like hell," Madison says.

Once we're in the lobby, we walk to the beach, laying our towels on the ground.

The girls are all tanning while me and the boys are building sand castles.

After we were done, I decided to take a nap. Until I'm rudely interrupted by Madison bringing a bucket of water from the ocean and dumping it on my head.

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