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Hunter Davis

I wake up feeling a bit better than the past few days.

I check my phone once I get a text from the group chat.


Madison:Anyone want to come to the gym with me?

Carter: Me and Grace will

Sam: I'm down.




I stand up and head into the washroom to quickly brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I get out and find clothes to wear to the gym.

"I'm going to change in the washroom," Madison says as she walks into the washroom.

I decide to just put on some shorts since I'm probably going to end up taking my shirt off, so there's no point in wearing one.

Ok, are you ready?" Madison asks as she walks out of the washroom.

Yeah," I say, standing up and following her out.

Once we get downstairs, we all discuss the car arrangement.

"Ok, Carter and Sam are in my car, and the rest of you are Maddies," Lia says.

I follow everyone out and get into the back seat of Madison's car.

Hunter, how are you?" Grace asks, looking back at me.

"I'm good," I say as I give her a fake smile.

Once we get to the gym, I walk straight into the weightlifting section. I go to the gym a lot since it takes my mind off things.

I spend an hour lifting, then hop on the treadmill for another hour.

Once we're done, we all walk back to the cars.

"You guys want to go out for lunch?" Carter asks.

Sure," Lia says, and we all agree with her.

Once we get to the restaurant, we get a table and sit down.

I look at the menu, and I think I'm going to get the burger with fries, of course, because I know Madison will want some.

"What are you going to get?" Madison asks me.

"I don't know, maybe a burger," I respond.

She nods and looks back at the menu.

The waiter comes by, and we all order our food.

"Are you guys excited for the game?" Sam asks the girls.

"YOU KNOW WE ARE! Grace says back excitedly.

"I'm really excited," Madison says, smiling.

Damn, I kind of didn't want to go, but she looks so excited for it.

"Hey Madison," I say to her.

"Yeah?" she responds.

"I'll come," I say.

"Really?" she says happily.

Yeah," I say, trying to hold back a smile.

After a few minutes of talking, our food arrives.

I take a bite of my burger while in conversation with Sam and Lia. When I see Madison sneakily take a fry from my plate.

Maddison," I say, looking at her.

"Yeah?" she says, trying to act confused.

"You know you can take my fries; I won't get mad." I say smirking.

"Who said I took one?" she says, raising her eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and slide my plate closer to her.

I continue my conversation with Sam and Lia until we are all done and we leave.

The girls go get ready for their game, and Sam and Carter follow them. But I just stay in the kitchen.

After around 30 minutes, I see Madison walk into the kitchen wearing short ass shorts, and I can't help but stare.

"Take a picture; it will last longer," she says, smirking.

"Don't worry, I wasn't looking at you," lies

Really, my ass thinks otherwise," she says.

I just roll my eyes. How rude of her to accuse me of something I did.

A few minutes later, we meet in the living room too. to talk about the car arrangement.

Ok, so what's the car arrangement?" Carter asks.

"Me, Grace, and Lia are in my car," Madison says.

"OK," Carter says.

We all walk out to the cars, and I get into the front seat.

Hunter, you look like you're doing better, man," Sam says, patting my shoulder.

Yeah," I say.

15 minutes later, we arrive, get out of the car, and walk into the gym.

They start off with stretching, then the game starts.

So far, they've won 3/4 sets and are into the last set of the game.

They're starting off strong, taking a 3-0 lead in the first few minutes.

10 minutes have passed, and the score is 14-7. It's match point for us, and the other team is serving.

The ball goes over, and Lia gets it, passing it over to the front row. A ginger sets it up for Madison to spike it over, getting match point.

She looks so happy.

After they are done celebrating, they walk over to us.

"Nice spike," I say to Madison.

"Thanks, she says, blushing.

Here, give me your bag," I say to her.

She tosses her bag over, and we all walk back to the cars.

We all drive home and go straight up the stairs to get ready for bed.

Once I get changed, I lay down on my bed and watch some episodes of The Simpsons.

"What are you watching?" Madison's asks as she wakes out of the washroom.

"The Simpsons," I say, looking at her.

"Can I watch with you?" She asks

"Of course"

She lies down beside me.

After a few episodes, she falls asleep laying on my shoulder. I pull the blanket up on her and kiss her forehead before I fall asleep beside her.


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