
195 7 0

Maddison Scott

It's happening again.

Hunter is currently lying down in bed and refuses to get up or talk to anyone. I don't know why this keeps happening.

"Is he better?" Grace asks, and I walk out of his room.

No," I say as a frustrated sigh leaves my mouth. I pick up my phone and dial Hunter's mom.

"Hey Mrs.Davis"

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?"

"I'm good? But Hunter's doing that thing again where he doesn't talk or do anything."

"Oh dear, don't worry yourself; I promise he's okay; he just does this sometimes."

"Ok, thank you," I say as I hang up. What could possibly be the reason for this? And the fact that it happens regularly breaks my heart. I walk into our shared bathroom and take a quick shower before I put on some new clothes. I walk up to Hunter, who's lying in a fetal position with his blanket covering all of his body except his head.

"Hey," I say as I climb into the covers. He's awake, I know it, but he just won't open his eyes. I run my fingers along his cheek, just waiting for him to feel better. After a few minutes, I give up and just lay there until his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me closer as his head rests in the nook of my neck.

I can't stand seeing him like this.

Quick little chapter, i'll try to get another tomorrow but i've just had no energy to write rn😭

word count- 256

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