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Maddison Scott

The next few days are the same. Hunter's been going to practice, but that's really it. I'm worried, but I know it will pass, hopefully.

Hey," I say, sitting beside him as he's sitting upwards and staring at the wall.

Hi," he manages to get out.

"Are you excited for the game tonight?" I say, trying to start small talk.

Mhm," he says as he closes his eyes and leans his head back.

Hunter," I say slowly as I see a soft tear run down his cheek. I wipe it away with my hand and give him a hug. He hugs me back, and we sit there for a while before Carter calls us down for a pre-game dinner.

"Are you okay? I asked as I pulled away from the hug.

Yeah," he says, standing up and walking downstairs. I follow him as we reach the kitchen, and I walk over to Grace and Lia, who are sitting by the counter.

"Hey guys," I say softly, sitting beside them.

"Hey girl," Grace says.

"Hey babe, how is he? Lia adds.

"Better but not good," I say, frustrated.

"It's okay; he will get better," Grace says, and she hugs me. As we keep talking, Sam finally serves us dinner—a chicken wrap with salad. The boys usually have dinners like this before their game, so they're not too full but filled enough that they won't pass out. Once I finish, I thank Sam for dinner and make my way upstairs. Since the games are in an hour and a half, that should give me enough time to get ready. I straightened my hair a bit since my natural waves were starting to show. And apply some light makeup before texting Grace and Lia.

me: Can you guys meet in my room soon?

Grace: Sure!

Lia: Ofc

While I'm waiting for them to arrive, I pull out some jeans and a few tops to see what I want to wear.

"Hey girl!" Grace says, and she and Lia walk into my room.

Hey," I say back, still thinking about my outfit. But that's not the reason I asked them to come.

Ok, sit down. I have it. Tell you guys something," I say, gesturing to my bed. They sit, and I take a deep breath before I tell them.

"Are you pregnant? Lia says she's scared.

"No!" I'm laughing.

Okay, so, as much as I don't want to admit this, I'm going to be okay. I like Hunter," I say in one quick breath.

"OMG YES, I KNEW ALL ALONG! Grace says she's jumping up and down.

OMG, bae, that's great! You have to tell him," Lia says while trying to calm Grace down at the same time.

Well, he probably already knows; we've kissed many times," I say slowly.

OMG, THIS IS LIKE THE BEST DAY EVER," Grace says, standing up and hugging me.

Ok, I'll help you with your outfit," Grace says. Around fifteen minutes later, Grace picks out a pair of jeans and a white crop top.

"The guys just left," Lia says, holding her phone in her hands.

Ok, thanks," I say, walking out of the washroom. After we all grab our things, we head into my car and drive to the game. Once we arrive, we walk to the bleachers and sit down. We came 10 minutes early, so the boys are currently having their pre-game talk on the field. A few minutes later, the game starts. The first half went well; they're winning 1-0. We're 20 minutes into the second half when they score another goal. We continue to watch the game as it starts to pour. We being us, we didn't bring an umbrella or a jacket to cover up, so we're just sitting; it's raining, and I'm wearing a white shirt. Thank God, the games are almost done. Once they finish, they walk back from the field while I'm trying to cover my shirt since my bra is very visible.

"Good game," I say to Carter and Sam while they go hug their girlfriends.

"Good job," I say to Hunter as I wrap my hands around him, giving him a hug. He hugs me back, then pulls away, looking at my shirt. He takes off his jersey and hands it to me.

"Wear it or you'll draw a lot of attention to yourself, he says, smirking. I roll my eyes as I pull his jersey over my head.

Ok, let's go; I'm soaked." I say I'm walking towards the cars. I hear Hunter laugh following behind me, and shortly after, the rest follow too. We get into our cars and drive back home.

Once we get home, I hop into the shower and quickly get dressed before I lay in bed. I hear Hunter walk out of the washroom and lay beside me. He wraps his hand around my waist as he pulls me closer and whispers in my ear.

"Thank you"
word count- 837

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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