
213 7 0

Maddison Scott

I wake up early so I can get ready for our game later today.

I walk downstairs and make myself a quick breakfast before I ask everyone if they want to come to the gym with me.


me: Anyone want to come to the gym with me?

Carter: Me and Grace will

Sam: I'm down.

Lia: same

Hunter: sure


I'm glad Hunter's coming; it should help with whatever's going on with him right now.

I walk back up the stairs and lay out my clothes for the gym.

"I'm going to change in the washroom," I say to Hunter, who's currently finding clothes to wear.

"Ok," he responds, making his bed.

I walk into the washroom, get changed, and do my skin care. Once I'm done, I walk out to see Hunter laying on his bed shirtless.

Okay, are you ready?" I'm grabbing my phone.

Yeah," He says, standing up and following me out.

Once we get downstairs, everyone else is already waiting for us.

Ok, Me,Carter, and Sam in my car, and the rest of you in Maddie's car," Lia says.

I grab my keys, and I,Hunter,and Grace walk out to my car.

Hunter, how are you?" Grace says looking back from the front seat.

"I'm good," He says with a fake smile.

Finally, we get to the gym, and we all walk in.

I hit the treadmill for 30 minutes, then do legs for an hour.

"I'm so sweaty, I say to Grace as we take a water break.

"Same girl," she says as she puts her hand on my shoulder.

After 2 hours of working out, we all meet back at the cars.

"You guys want to go out to lunch?" Carter asks.

"Sure, Lia says, and we all agree with her.

Once we get to the restaurant, we get a table and sit down.

I'm sitting beside Carter and Hunter, who both look tired as fuck.

"What are you going to get?" I ask Hunter.

"I don't know, maybe a burger," He says.

I nod and look back at the menu. Maybe I'll just get a salad.

The waiter comes by, and we all order our food.

"Are you guys ready for the game?" Sam asks

"YOU KNOW WE ARE!" Grace says

"I'm really excited." I say smiling.

"Hey Madison," Hunter says to me.


"i'll come"

"Really?" I say happily.

Yeah," he says, smiling, but something tells me he's not faking that one.

After a few minutes of talking about the game, our food arrives.

I look over at Hunter's plate, which looks so good. Shit, I should've got fries.

When he's not looking, I quickly take a fry, hoping he won't notice.

Maddison," He says, looking at me.

"Yeah?" I'm trying not to look guilty.

"You know you can just take my fries; I won't get mad," he says, smirking.

"Who said I took one?" I say, raising an eyebrow.

He rolls his eyes and pushes his plate closer to me.

Once we're all done with our food, we pay and head back to the house.

Ok, I'm going to go get ready for the game," I say as I walk up the stairs.

I head back to Hunter's room, grabbing my uniform from my bag.

They make these shorts so short that you can see my ass.

I brush my hair and put it in a ponytail, and I pack my bag quickly before I walk back downstairs.

Right as I'm walking downstairs, I can tell Hunter is staring at me, mostly my ass.

"Take a picture; it will last longer," I say, smirking.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking at you," he says.

Really, my ass thinks otherwise."

He rolls his eyes as he looks back at his phone.

A few minutes later, we all met in the living room to get ready to leave.

Ok, what's the car arrangement?" Carter asks

"Me,Grace,and Lia are in my car," I say.

"Ok"Carter says

We walk out to the cars and get in.

Grace, did you make the pre-game playlist?" I ask

Yeah, let me play it, she says, turning on her phone.

After a 15-minute drive of hype music and atrocious singing, we arrive at the gym.

"Ok ladies, I want your best plays today!" Coach says as we're warming up.

It's the beginning of the first set, and we're leading 9-4, which is pretty good. An hour later, we've won 3/4 sets so far, so it's the last set of the game.

We're currently winning 7-2, and we need 8 more points to win.

Now it's 14-7 with the other teams serves. This girl is muscular as fuck, and she gives a strong ass over hand. Lia retrieves it while passing it up to the front row to a girl named Amar. Amar then sets it up for me, and I spike it over, getting the match point.

"YES,GIRL," Grace says, running up to me.

All the girls on the team do a quick celebration before we grab our bags and walk to the bleachers.

"Good job guys," Carter says, smiling.

"You did awesome," Sam says as he lifts Lia into the air.

"Nice spike," Hunter says to me.

Thanks," I say as I feel my cheeks getting red.

Here, give me your bag," Hunter says.

I toss my bag at him as we walk back to the cars.

We get into the same car arrangement as before and drive home.

Once I walk inside, I head straight upstairs to take a shower and change into my pyjamas.

As I walk out of the washroom, I see Hunter watching something on his phone.

"What are you watching?" I ask, lying beside him.

"The Simpsons," he says, looking at me.

"Can I watch with you?" I say

"Of course, he says, tilting the screen towards me.

After a few episodes, I fall asleep with my head laying on his shoulder.


word count:1009

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