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Maddison Scott

There are 7 days until Christmas, and today marks our two-week break! No school, no work—it's great.

Sam and Carter want to host a party at the house today. We haven't hosted one in so long, so it was an automatic yes from all of us.

The party starts at 10, and it's currently 3, so Me and Hunter are going to go grocery shopping.

"Hurry up, let's go!" I yell from downstairs.

Ok, just a sec," he says back.

Once he's finally ready, we get into the car.

"It's so fucking cold," I say.

"Why didn't you bring a sweater?" He says he's annoyed.

"I didn't think it was going to be this cold," I say, starting the car.

He pulls off his sweater and throws it on my lap.

No, it's fine."

"Wear it," he says.

I roll my eyes, and we drive to the store.

About 10 minutes later, we arrive and grab a cart.

Ok, what do we need?" I ask.

"Eggs, milk,fruits,vegetables, and stuff for the part," he says.

We walk into the fruits and vegetables isle and grab some before we walk to the chip and drink isle.

We throw in a bunch of chips and soda before we go to the dairy section.

"Hey Ava!" I say this to Ava, who's also in the dairy section.

"Hey Maddie!" she says, smiling.

Oh, Hey Hunter," she says, trying to flirt with him.

Hi," Hunter says blankly while grabbing the milk and eggs.

Oh, Ava, we're hosting a party at the house tonight; you should come," I say.

"I'll think about it," she says.

"Bye!" I say.

"Bye guys!"

We walk to the cashier, and she scans our stuff.

$58,92, please," the cashier says.

I pull out my wallet, grabbing my card, before Hunter pushes my hand down and pays with his.

"Hunter, stop doing that," I say, rolling my eyes.

Never," he says proudly.

We walk out and put the groceries in the car.

"Don't you think it's weird that Ava was at this grocery store?" Hunter says he's getting in the car.

"What do you mean?" I say, confused.

"She lives 30 minutes from the house, and the grocery store is in the other direction, so it would be a 40-minute drive for her." he say

Yeah, that's weird," I say. Why would she be there? It's probably nothing, though maybe she just likes this store.

Once we're home, we get everything set up and ready.

Maddison, come to Carter's room!" Grace yells from upstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back.

I walk upstairs and enter Carter's room.

Hey, what's up?"

"We need to go for coffee," she said, getting up from Carter's room.

"OK then," I say, confused, following her out of the room.

We get into my car, and I drive to the coffee shop on campus.

Once we're in, we order and then get a table.

Holy, this coffee is good," Grace says.

Yeah, it's really fucking good," I say, taking another sip.

"So how are you and Carter?" I ask

"Oh god, I love that man," She says, smiling.

"But what about Hunter?" She says she''s changing the subject.

"What about him?" I ask.

Maddie, you should see the way he looks at you."

Grace, he doesn't like me," I breathe out.

"I know love when I see it."

Oh, shut up," I say, rolling my eyes.

After talking for a few hours, we leave so we can start getting ready for the party.

"I'm going to quickly get ready," I say, running up the stairs.

Hey," Hunter says, lying on his bed.

Hey," I say, grabbing my makeup bag.

I sit on the floor, doing my make-up with the full-body mirror.

After I'm done with make-up, I get up and find something to wear.

I decided on these cute jean shorts and a purple top.

I put the shorts on in the bathroom, but I can't zip up this shirt.

Hunter, can you zip up my shirt, please?"

Yeah, come here."

I walk to him and hold my shirt for dear life, making sure it doesn't fall.

Ok, done," he says.


I don't think I'm going to do my hair since I'm lazy, so I lay on Hunter's bed with him.

"What time is it?" I ask.

8:30," he says.

"Wake me up at 9:30," I say, closing my eyes.

Ok," he says.

Maddison, wake up," he says, shaking me.

I ignore him because I'm tired and just want to sleep.

Maddison," he says.

"No," I say

"Wake the fuck up."

No," I whisper.

"You're annoying," he says as he picks me up and hangs me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I say I'm kicking him.

"Next time, wake up," he says, walking down the stairs.

"Ok,  just put me down," I say.

He drops me on the couch and lies beside me.

A few minutes later, the house is filled with college students, and the smell of alcohol gets stronger.

I get off the couch eventually and walk over to Grace,Sam,and Lia.

"We should start a truth or dare game!" Grace says.

"OMG YES!" Lia agrees.

Maddie, go get Hunter," Grace says to me.

I walk over to the kitchen and find Hunter talking to some football guys.

Hey, come with me," I say, grabbing his wrist.

"Ok," he says, following me.

Once we pull ourselves out of the crowd of people, we meet Ava.

"Hey Ava, come with me," I say, realizing I was still grabbing Hunter's wrist.

"Oh, sorry," I say.

"It's fine," he says, smirking.

I lead them both to the part of the room where we're playing the game.

We all sit in a circle, along with Grace and Carter, who just arrived.

Ok, who wants to go first?" Sam says

"I can," Lia says.

"Truth or Dare Carter," she says.

Dare," he says.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive girl.

"I think we all know who," He says as she walks over to Grace and kisses her.

Ok, truth or dare, Sam," he says.

Dare," he says.

Ok, I dare you to go embarrass Riley in front of that girl with him," Carter says.

That's easy," he says, standing up and having a conversation with the two of them.

When he comes back, Riley looks so mad, and the girl leaves disgusted.

"Truth or dare, Ava," he says.

Truth," she says.

"Who is the most attractive person here?" he says.

"Probably Hunter," she says, blushing.

I feel myself tense.

"Haha, anyway, truth or dare, Madison."

Dare," I say harshly.

"I dare you to kiss anyone here," she says.


Hunter turns to look at me.

I look back at him and whisper in his ear.

"Can I kiss you?"

Yes, you can, Mrs. Scott," he says, smirking.

We both slowly lean in as our lips touch, and an amazing sensation fills my body as the kiss continues. He lifts his hand and cups my cheek, and I place my hands around his neck. The way he kissed me was like no other. His touch was soft and sent sparks down my spine. We finally pull out, and I just know I'm blushing.

"You're a pretty good kisser, Madds," he says, smiling.

"Am I?" I say

We continue the game, and I can see Ava glaring at me.

After a few more rounds, I leave and get myself a drink.

I can't stop thinking about that goddamn kiss.

After a few more hours, the party settles down, and I head back upstairs to go to sleep.

I get changed and lay down on my bed.

Who knew one kiss could make your day 100 times better?

"Good night, Madison," Hunter says, laying down in his bed.

"Good night, Hunter," I say, closing my eyes.

word count- 1325

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