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Maddison Scott

I wake up again in Hunter's bed with a massive headache.

This concussion thing stinks. First off, I have to be in bed for 2 weeks, plus I'm going to be in Hunter's bed the whole time. I feel so bad.

A few minutes later, I hear someone walking into my room.

Hey," Hunter says.

"Hi," I say back, keeping my eyes closed.

"Do you need anything?"

"Could you get me some Tylenol, please?"

"Of course I'll be back," he says, smiling.

After he leaves, I hear Grace and Lia walk in too.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" Grace says

"Fine, my head just hurts," I say.

"I can go get you medicine," Lia says.

No, it's good that Hunter's already getting me some".

We may be there for a couple more minutes, talking slightly every few minutes.

Then Hunter comes back with Tylenol and a cup of water.

Thanks," I say weakly.

Ok, girl, we're going to let you sleep."

"Ok, see you later," I say, smiling.

Hunter grabs his laptop from his desk and starts working.

"Hey, is it ok that I'm working here? I can move downstairs if you want," he says quietly.

no, your fine" I say this as I fall back to sleep.

Hunter Davis

After I've done my work. I decide to ask everyone if they want to go to the gym with me.


me: Anyone down to go to the gym with me, rn?

Carter: Sure, ima  just get ready.

Sam: Sorry i'm hanging out with Lia.

Grace: Sure, meet in the living room in 10

me: Ok, cool.

I get changed for the gym before I meet Grace and Carter in the living room.

"Ok, let's go," I say.

They both say yes, and we get in my car and drive off to the gym.

After we're done with our 2-hour workout, we go to a nearby diner for lunch.

Bro, these fries are so fucking good," Carter says.

a few seconds after Grace takes a handful and shoves them in her mouth.

"You bitch," he says.

"Mhm, they are good," she says with a smirk.

Carter has had a crush on Grace since before we all became friends, but he doesn't have the balls to ask her out.

"Well, you two lovebirds can keep fighting; I'm going to the washroom," I say, standing up and leaving the table.

I walk to the bathroom and see a man who looks very familiar. I recognize who it is, and I try to get out as quickly as possible. As soon as I'm about to leave, I hear him whisper in my ear.

"You think I wouldn't recognize you, hunter?"

He turns me around and throws a punch across my face. I've learned to not fight back, as it always makes it worse.

After he's done beating me up, I feel weak. I have no energy whatsoever, so I just sit on the floor. sit like I always used to.


word count:505

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