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Maddison Scott

I wake up bright and early because today is my favourite day of the year!

I quickly walked downstairs to make breakfast for everyone.

I think today is a pancake and bacon kind of day. so I quickly prepare everything.

"Merry Christmas," I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around to see Hunter smiling at me.

"Merry Christmas," I say back.

We both continue to make breakfast, frying the bacon and pancakes, and once they're done, we go to wake everyone up.

We walk into Carter's room first to wake him and Grace.

"Merry Christmas!" I say opening the door.

"Merry Christmas, babe!" Grace says she's sitting up.

"Merry Christmas," Carter says with his eyes still closed.

Since they're both up, we walk into Sam and Lia's room.

"Merry Christmas, love birds," Hunter says.

"Merry Christmas," they both say.

We all walk downstairs to eat breakfast.

Omg, these are so good," Lia says.

"Thanks!" I'm shoving some in my mouth.

After we're all done eating, we run to the living room to open presents.

"Me first," Grace says, gathering all her presents under the tree.

She opens them one by one, thanking each person at least five times.

Ok, now me," Lia says.

She opens her gifts and thanks everyone.

Ok, Madison next," Hunter says, passing me the gift he got me.

I open everyone else's, thanking them and saving Hunters for last.

It's a small box wrapped in red wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. I slowly undo the bow and unwrap the paper. I open the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a gem shaped like a heart that reflects beautifully off the lighting.

Omg, it's beautiful," I say, shocked, holding out my hand to admire.

Thanks," I say, Hugging Hunter.

"No problem," he says.

Sam and Carter both open their gifts, then Hunter does, leaving mine for last.

He opens the gift and lifts the chain from its box.

Maddison," he says slowly.

"Thank you," he says, hugging me tightly.

We all clean up and head back up to the rooms to get changed.

I put on a cute plaid green skirt with a black top and some silver jewellery to match the ring Hunter got me.

I quickly curl my hair and do some quick makeup before I clean up my room.

"You need new clothes," Hunter says behind me.

"Why?" I say confused.

"Your clothes are too revealing," he says.

"Stop looking then."

"I can't help myself," he says, smirking.

I roll my eyes, and we both walk.

"We should go skating; the campus rink is open right now." Grace says

"Perfect, let's go," I say.

We divide ourselves into cars, with me, Hunter, and Grace in one and the rest in the other.

Once we arrive, we rent our skates and head onto the ice.

I shall say I stink at skating. I've fallen on leave seven times, and we've only been there for 5 minutes.

"You're not very good at this," Hunter says, holding his hand out for me.

"Wow, I didn't notice," I say sarcastically.

Ok, hold my hands and just glide your feet across the ice," He says, grabbing my hands.

We skate like this for a couple minutes until I get comfortable and can skate on my own.

We stay here for a couple hours before we head back home.

Once we arrive, we all sit in the kitchen having a conversation until we hear a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I say. I opened the door to see Ava standing there. Her smile faded when she saw me.

"Oh hi," she says, pushing past me.

What the fuck is her problem?

I walk back into the kitchen and immediately cling on to Hunter.

I wrap my hand around his neck as he slides his hand around my waist.

"Hi Hunty!" Ava says

"Hi," he says.

I can see Grace and Lia looking confused as the boys are smiling and giving Hunter looks.

"I just wanted to give you a gift," Ava says, passing his box.

Ok, you can go now," he says.

We lead her out of the house, then walk
back into the kitchen.

Umm, so what's going on here?" Lia says

"This Bitch told Ava we were dating so she would stop bothering him," I say, giving him a look.

"I'm sorry I panicked," he says.

"Aw I thought you guys were dating," Grace says, frowning.

I give her a look, and we all walk to the living room to watch a movie.


"I say we all get drunk," Carter says after we finish our third Christmas movie.

"Hell yeah," Sam says.

We all agree to drink as much alcohol as possible to celebrate.

Ok, first one to finish all their shots wins." Grace says lining us all up with 5 shots each.

"Ok 3, 2, 1 go!" Lia says

I try to down as many shots as I can fast but miserably fail.

After around 30 minutes of us drinking, I can confirm we're all drunk.

Grace puts on some music, and we just turned the house into a nightclub.

I'm currently dancing with Grace and Lia when the music suddenly stops.

Sam and Carter are trying to fix it but are definitely not succeeding.

I sit down on the kitchen counter, sipping some more alcohol, when Hunter sits beside me.

"You don't know what that skirt is doing to me, Maddie," he says, whispering in my ear.

His voice sends shivers down my spine. In fact, everything about him does.
The way his hair falls on his face, the way he always makes me smile, his laugh, his stupid jokes The sight of him just turns me on.

"Then show me," I say.

He brushes my hair out of my face, then backs away.

"I think I'll keep you curious," He says, smirking, then walks back to the living room.
word count: 999

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