
215 7 0

Hunter Davis

Last night was great. First of all, it was the first party in a while, and I kissed Madison. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it, because, god, I loved it. The way our lips touched was perfect; it's like they were sculpted to fit together.

But enough of that, because it's Lia's birthday.

Madison is still asleep, but I kind of need her to help make breakfast since she's good at cooking.

Maddison, do you mind helping me with Lia's birthday breakfast?" I ask

Yeah," she says, standing up.

We walk downstairs and start making pancakes.

"The house is a mess," she says, looking around the living room.

"I do not want to clean that up," I say.

"We can just make Carter do it."

"I agree," I say, smiling at her.

We clean up the kitchen a bit so it's suitable for cooking.

"Pass the eggs," Madison says, looking at the rest of the recipe.

I pass her the eggs, and we continue to cook.

We heat up the pan and place some batter in it.

Wow, how'd you do that?" Madison is amazed.

My mom taught me a trick to flip the pancakes by tossing them in the air, so I'm used to doing it.

Here, let me show you," I say, standing behind her and placing her hand on the pan while placing mine on top of hers.

"Then just flip it," I say.

"That's cool!" she says, smiling.

God, that smile.

We finish the pancakes and walk up to Sam's room, where Lia is sleeping.

"Happy birthday!" Madison says, hugging her.

"Happy birthday," I say.

"Thanks guys!" she says, smiling.

"We made breakfast for you downstairs," Madison says.

Ok, I'll be down in a second," she says.

Me and Madison walk back to our room and get ready for the day.

I put on shorts and a sweater, then walk.
to the washroom. Once I'm out, I walk back to my bed and lay down.

Ok, let's go eat," Madison says.

"Ok," I say, following her downstairs.

Lia is already down there eating her breakfast.

"Happy birthday, Lia!" Grace says she is hugging her from behind.

"Thanks Grace!" she says.
The rest of them come downstairs, and we all eat.

"Ok, birthday girl, what do you want to do?" Maddison asks

"I don't know if we could just watch a movie." she says

Sure," Grace says.

We all walk to the couch and take a seat. Grace and Carter sit beside each other, as do Lia and Sam. That just leaves me and Madison.

She takes a seat beside me, and we turn the TV on.

"Let's watch Avatar!" Lia says

"OMG YES," Grace says.

about an hour into the movie. I feel a weight on my shoulder. I look to see Madison lying there. I'm still watching the movie, in fact.

After the movie is done, it's 4:00, so we all go upstairs to get ready for dinner.

"I have nothing to wear," Madison groans.

"Im sure you have something," I say.

"I could wear this dress," she says, holding up a strapless pink mini dress.

"Im not the person you should be asking for fashion advice," I say.

Well, you're the only person in this room," she says, rolling her eyes.

"You do that a lot."

"do what?"

"Roll your eyes."

"Yeah, only with you, though," she says sarcastically.

"Whatever you say"

She walks into the washroom to get changed, so I quickly take this time to get changed. But before I can get my shirt on, she comes in.

"God put a shirt on," she says, covering her eyes.

"Don't act like you don't like it," I say, pulling the shirt over my head.

"I don't," she says.


Oh, shut up," she says, throwing a pillow at me.

Once we're all done, we meet downstairs.

Ok, what's the car plan?" Maddison asks

"I was thinking of me and Lia in one and the rest of you in the other," Sam says.

Yeah, that works," Grace says.

"I'll drive," Carter says.

Madison tosses the keys to him, and we walk out to the car.

Grace and Carter go in the front, and me and Madison go in the back.

"How long is the drive?" I ask.

"About an hour," Carter says.

I groan as I lean my head against the window. And before I knew it, they were here.

Hunter, let's go," Madison says.

We walk in and get a table.

We order our drinks and talk about what we should do tonight.

"We could go to the club?" Madison asks.

"Yes," Lia says.

"What are you going to get?" Madison asks me.

"Pasta, you?" I say

"I don't know yet."

The waiter comes back with our drinks, and we order our food.

"I'm excited for Christmas," Madison says.

Same," Lia says.

"Are we all still good to stay at the house for Christmas?" Carter ask

"I am"



"Of course"

After talking about what we're going to do for you this Christmas, our food finally gets here.

Madison gets a salad with a side of fries, so obviously I take one.

"Excuse me," she says, slapping my hand.

"You eat my fries all the time," I say.

"That's different; now I'll get some of your pasta."

I put some pasta on my fork and fed it to her.

"Mhm, that's good," she says.

Once we're all done eating dinner, we drive to the nearest club.

I volunteer to be the DJ for the night since I don't feel like drinking.

We walk in, and I immediately smell alcohol and drugs.

An hour passes, and everyone doesn't seem overly drunk.

I'm currently talking to some guys my age about school and soccer when Grace and Lia approach me.

"Come dance with us, Hunter," they slur out.

They drag me to the dance floor, moving my arms, trying to make me dance.

Guy, I'm not going to dance," I say.

"Awww," Grace says.

I look around the club, seeing Carter and Sam but not Madison.

Hey, have you guys seen Madison?" I asked Lia and Grace

No," they both say.

I walk around trying to find her when I see her on some guy's lap.

I walk up to her and tap her on the shoulder.

Hey, Grace and Lia are looking for you." I lie.

Oh, ok," she slurs out.

"Maybe you're not in condition to dance," I say, seeing her struggling to walk.

"I'm fine," she says.

I grab her hand and pull her to the bar.

"Could I have some water, please?" I say to the bartender.

I give her some water and walk her outside to get some fresh air.

"You're really pretty, you know," she says, sitting down on the curb.

"am I?" I ask laughing

"You are," she says, smiling.

"I've always thought you were hot," she says.


Yuppp," she slurs out.

We lock eyes as she leans in, trying to kiss me.

Maddison, you're drunk," I say.

No, I'm not," she says, pouting.

She leans her head on my shoulder and takes a quick nap before I pick her up and bring her back in so I can collect the others.

Once I've gathered the rest of them, we all squeeze into Madison's car and drive back home.

When we're home, I carry Madison upstairs and find something in the bathroom.
to take her makeup off with.

I find these makeup wipes, take some out, and rub them on her face.

After I'm done, I pull a blanket over her and get into my bed.

Hunter," Madison whispers.


"Come sleep with me," she says.

I walk over and get on the other side of her bed.

"Good night, Madison," I say.

"Good night, Hunter."
word count: 1310

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