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Maddison Scott

I wake up with a massive headache. I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Good morning," Hunter says, walking in shirtless with a pill and water in his hand.

"Good morning," I say.

Here, take this," he said, putting the pill and water on my nightstand.

Thanks," I say, taking it.

I sit there for a while, just trying to remember the night. All I remember is getting there and dancing with Grace and Lia.

I brush it off and stand up to get ready for the day.

Once I'm done, I walk downstairs to see the rest of them also looking tired.

I sit on the counter, watching Hunter make us breakfast.

"You guys were wasted last night," Hunter says, laughing.

Yeah, I can feel it," Grace says blankly.

He hands us our breakfast, and we all eat.

I clean up my dishes, then walk over to the couch and lay down.

I hear the rest of them follow until they are all on the couch sleeping.

A couple of hours later, I wake up with my feet on Carter and my head on Hunter.

The rest of them are also tangled with everyone else.

I pull out my phone and scroll through Instagram until I get a text from my mom.

mom: Hey sweeties! The Davis' invited us over for a pre-Christmas dinner tomorrow. Can you and Hunter make it?

me: Hey mom Hunter is sleeping right now, but I'll ask him when he wakes up.

mom: Ok, I love you.

me: I love you too

I continue to scroll on my phone until Hunter wakes up.

Hey," I say.

Hey," he replies quietly.

"You mom invited my family over for dinner tomorrow, and they want to know if you're coming," I say.

"Yeah, I'll go"


I quickly text my mom, then I stand up and walk to the kitchen.

I grab myself a glass of water and sit at the kitchen counter.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I hear Hunter say something behind me.

"Only getting there, why?" I say turning around.

"Just asking"

"What happened?"

"Nothing," he says, laughing.

"I hate you."


"Hunter fuck off," I say, rolling my eyes.

He just laughed to himself and then sat beside me.

"What's so funny?" I say, annoyed.

Nothing; you were just so wasted last night," he says.

"Oh god, what did I do?"

"You don't want to know."


"trust me"

Omg, you bitch, just tell me."


"I hate you."

"do you?"

"Yes, I do," I say.

He just laughs and walks upstairs.

The next day, I woke up feeling way better than yesterday.

There are 3 days until Christmas, and holy sh*t, I'm excited.

Hunter's not in bed, so I assume he's in the kitchen, so I take this time to quickly get changed and go downstairs.

"Good morning," I say to Hunter, who's pouring himself cereal.

I grab a spoon and eat out of his bowl. I'm too lazy to get my own.

Maddison, what the fuck? he says.

I ignore him and continue to eat his cereal until we both finish.

"Don't forget about dinner," I say to him.

"I won't," he says, walking back upstairs.

I walk to the couch and grab my book so I can read for a little bit.

Well, a little bit turned into 3 hours, and now I have to get ready for dinner.

We have to be there at 5, and it's 3 so I can get ready, then we'll leave at 4:30. Yup perfect.

I walk back upstairs and enter Hunter's room.

I brush out my hair and take out my curling iron.

"What do I wear?" Hunter asks me

"Just something nice," I say.

Once I'm finished with my hair, I find a cute dark green dress I can wear.

"What do you think about this?" I say putting the dress against my body.

It looks good," he says, looking me up and down.

I put it on, then sat down to do my makeup.

Hunter, get changed; it's 4," I say.

He stands up and takes his clothes to the bathroom to change.

Once he's there, I can see his outfit, and he looks hot, but as a friend.

I finish up my makeup and quickly grab my shoes.

Ok, let's go," I say.

Hunter follows me downstairs, and we get into my car.

"Is Ava going to be there?" he asks

"Probably," I say.

"Oh, ok," he says, sounding annoyed.

"Do you not like her?" I ask

"I mean, I like her, but she's trying to get with me, and it's so fucking annoying."

"Tell her you have a girlfriend." I say it should work.

"Smart," he says.

A few minutes later, we arrive and knock on the door.

"Hey guys!" Hunter's mom says to open the door.

Hi," I say, hugging her.

"Hey mom," Hunter says.

"MADDISON!" Lily says she's running over to me.

"Hey lily!" I say

We greet everyone else, then sit down at the table.

I'm sitting beside Hunter and Lily, while the moms and Ava are all sitting beside each other.

Hunter's mom sets out the food, and we all grab our portions.

Maddie, can you pass the rice, please?" Lily says

"Of course I can," I say, passing her the bowl of rice.

"So how's school for you two?" my mom asked me and Hunter.

"Good" be both say

"Any partying?" She asks

"No," I say

Hunter looks at me and laughs, so I kick him under the table.

Once we're all done eating, we all sit on the couch while Lily watches Cinderella.

Me, Hunter, and Ava are all sitting in one section talking about school while the moms are talking about the news or something.

"so Maddie How do you like living with the boys?" Ava says, putting her arm around Hunter.

"It's good," I say, watching Hunter lift her arm off of him.

Hunty, what's wrong?" Ava says

Ava, can you stop trying to get with me? I have a girlfriend." He says he's annoyed

No, you don't," She says.

"I do," he says.

"Who is she?" she asks, getting angry.

He pauses for a minute, trying to think.

"It's Madison," He says, looking at me.

"Really?" Ava says, looking at me.

"Yes!" I say moving closer to Hunter.

"Mhm," she says as she walks away.

Hunter, what the fuck?" I say.

Sorry, I panicked," he says.

"If you wanted to be my boyfriend so bad, you should have just asked," I say sarcastically.

"You wish," he says, laughing.

I roll my eyes, looking up at the TV.

A couple hours later, we say our goodbyes and head back to my car.

"I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve," I say.


"You're going to love your gift," he says, smirking.

"am i?"

"Even more than me calling you my girlfriend," He says.

"I mean, you said me for a reason," I say.

"Maybe I did," he says.

We finally make it home, and I quickly take a shower and get into bed.

"Good night, Hunter," I say.

"Good night, Madison."
word count-1201

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