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Maddison Scott

I wake up feeling so comfortable. God, this couch is nice. As I open my eyes, I'm not on the couch. I check what I'm wearing to make sure nothing happens.

I look around and see soccer trophies and a jersey with the number 4 on it.

Hunter fucking Davis

I barge downstairs to the couch and find him sleeping. He looks cute. What? I didn't mean that.

I slap him in the face so he wakes up, but it doesn't work, so I grab a glass of water and splash it on him.

"Bro, what the fuck" he says.

"Why did you put me in your room?" I say, annoyed.

"Because if you're going to be sleeping here, you should at least be comfortable."

"I swear if you do that again, ill-."

"You'll what?" He stands up, cutting me off. Our faces are so close right now.

"Fuck you," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Wow, I didn't know we were already at that stage." He says it sarcastically.

I walk off annoyed. He's such a bitch.

but I have to let go of it because today we get to see if we made the Volleyball team or not.

I invite Grace and Lia over since we all tried out, so we can either morn or celebrate together.

In the meantime, I make breakfast for everyone.

Once I get all the ingredients, Cater insists on helping.

"Hey, where'd you sleep last night? I didn't see you on the couch."

I hesitated at first, not knowing if I should tell him.

"I guess Hunter moved me last night to his room, and he slept on the couch."

"Oh," he says, surprised.

We laugh it off and continue making breakfast.

Once everyone is up and the girls get here, we all eat breakfast, and me,Grace,and Lia grab computers and wait for the email.

"I GOT IN," Lia says happily.

"SAME" Grace joins her

"OMG SAME!" i say

We all do a quick celebration dance and decide we should go to the club tonight.

I quickly get ready for class, putting on clothes I saved from my apartment and giving Hunter his clothes back. Then getting in my car and driving off


After class, me and Lia drove to Grace's house to get ready for the club tonight.

"I'm SO excited," Lia says.

SAME," I and Grace both say.

I wear a short blue minidress and put on a little bit of makeup before we meet the boys at their house.

I wear a short blue minidress and put on a little bit of makeup before we meet the boys at their house

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(This is what the dress looks like.)

We get to the soccer house, and I'm greeted with a hug from Carter.

Hey," I say.

Hey, you look good," he says.

Carter is so kind and friendly; he is definitely better than Hunter.

I see Lia walk over and kiss Sam. I'm so happy they made it official. Now all that's left is Grace and Carter, and they already have so much chemistry.

We take two cars there, deciding to put Lia,Carter, and Grace in one and Me, Sam, and Hunter in the other.

I don't say a word to Hunter. It's better that way; he just pisses me off.

Once we get into the club, we all sit at the bar and get some drinks.

"Six shots, please," Hunter says to the bartender, and she sends him a flirty smile.

He smiles back.

"Smile any harder, and you'll stay like that," I say.

"jealous Madds?"

"You wish," I say as I walk off.

I join Grace on the dance floor while Lia and Sam are currently making out by the bar.

I tell Grace I'm going to the washroom.Im pushing against all the sweaty, drunk people. We hen I get to the entrance of the washroom, I feel a hand cover my mouth and pull me into a stall.

I try to escape his grip, but I can't; he's too strong. He pulls down my dress and forces himself into me.

"Hey girl, are you in here?" I heard Grace say I tried to scream, but his hand was too close to my mouth.

I think Grace heard my muffled scream because she kicked open the stall door and tasered the guy.

"OMG MADDI, ARE YOU OKAY?" she says, scared.

Yeah, I'm fine. Can we go home?" I say out of breath. And that's the last I remember before I Blacked out.
poor Maddie.

word count:740

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