
229 7 0

Hunter Davis

Today we leave for the airport. We all decided to wake up at 6 since our flight is at 9. It's currently 5:30, So I finally pull myself out of bed to go make breakfast for everyone.

I make bacon and eggs since it's quick and easy. I individually wake everyone up because if I don't, everyone will be up my ass for yelling at them to wake up.

I start by waking up Carter and Grace, since they slept in the same room.

"Wake up, lovebirds, breakfast is downstairs."

Ok," they say at the same time.

I walk out and enter Sam's room to wake him and Lia up.

"Hey guys, get up; breakfast is downstairs."

"Ok, just a sec," Sam says, while Lia just hums in response.

Next, I walk into my room to wake up Madison.

"Hey, wake up."


"Maddison, we have to go."

"Carry me down," she says with her eyes still closed and her arms stretched out.

I pick her bridal style and bring her downstairs to the kitchen.

Once everyone is down, we all eat, then grab our luggage and put it in the cars.

"Ok, let's go!" Grace says

We all split up into the cars, the girls in one and the rest in the other.

"Bro, I'm going to get drunk every single time," Sam says.

"Sure you are," Carter says, laughing.

"How much do you want to sleep half of the days he's going to be in the room sleeping?" I say.

We all laugh, and a few minutes later we're at the airport.

Once we're all checked in and stuff The girls go get Starbucks, and then we all walk around checking out the stores before it's time to board.

"These are cute," Madison says, holding up the shortest pair of jean shorts she's ever seen in her life.

"No, those are way too short," I say.

"No, there are not, and in fact, I'm going to buy them," she says.

I roll my eyes, and we walk to our gate to get ready for boarding.

"God, I'm so tired," Madison says.

"Same," Grace says back.

"I think we all are" Sam says.

finally we get on the plane and take our seats. Sam and Lia are sitting beside each other, as are Carter, Grace, and Me and Madison.

After they tell us about the safety stuff, we take it off. I'm currently re-watching The Simpsons while Madison is watching some show about the beach or something; I'm not sure, but it looks very much like a drama show.

Around an hour in, I feel a weight on my shoulders. I look over to see what it is when I see Madison sleeping on my shoulder.


I turn off her phone so she doesn't lose battery, and I take off her headphones.

Sooner than I thought, I fell right asleep.


word count:493

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