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Hunter Davis

Today is the Game where we decide if we're in the tournament or not.

Where again The sharks—I mean, they're not bad. But they're getting better each season.

We have 4 hours until we have to leave. And god, I'm so nervous. Madison wakes up early and makes us all breakfast. I'm glad we're friends now. It's easier to talk to everyone that way.

Me and the boys are chilling on the couch, getting mentally prepared for the game. We all talk about tactics and game plays we need to add in order to win.

If only Riley wasn't playing. He's the most selfish player on our team. The only reason he's here is because his dad owns the school.

Our coach doesn't do shit, and since I'm the team captain, I have to do all the work. It sucks.

A few minutes later, the girls come in, and we talk about the vacation we're taking.

"Ok, so we booked it for next week on Saturday, so you all have 8 days to start packing!" Grace says.

"I don't own a swimsuit," I say.

"Me neither," Carter adds.

"OMG, I can take you guys shopping!" Maddison says.

"Can we shop today? I need to get my mind off the game." Carter says

"Yes, go get ready," she tells him.

Once me and Carter are done getting ready for the mall, we get into Madison's car, with me in the front and Carter in the back.

"Are you guys ready for the game?" she asks.

"Yeah, I guess," I say, getting a phone call.


"Hey, it's Ava".

"Hey, what's up?"

"I heard you have a game tonight; mind if I come?"

"Yeah, for sure, you can come."

"Ok, cool, see you there!" she says as she hangs up.

"Who was that?" Carter asks.

"Ava asked to come to the game."

"Ok, cool," he replies back.

Once we get to the mall, we go to a couple of stores to find bathing suits, but no luck.

Madison finds a store that mostly sells bathing suits, so we go in.

Here, Carter, try on this one," she says, holding up a blue swimsuit.

Ok," he says as he walks into the changing room.

"And Hunter, try on this one," she says, holding up a red one.

"Yes ma'am"

I walk into the change room and try it on.

I get out before Carter, so I come out to show Madison.

"Yes, that's perfect."

"Ok cool"

"Red is your colour," she says, smiling.

After I put back on my sweat pants, Carter comes out.

"Ok, good," she says.

"I can pay for them," I say, pulling out my wallet.

"No, I want to," she says, snapping back.

"No, I am," I say, giving my card to the cashier.

After I pay, we leave and head back to the car.

"Thank you, Hunntypoo, for the swimsuit," Carter says.

I roll my eyes. I'm still so nervous about the game. If we lose, it's all on me.

When we get back to the house, I open the door and head straight into my room to take a nap before the game.

I don't know if I'll be able to sleep.


I wake up feeling a bit more nervous than before. I grab my soccer bag and pack the essentials before I and the boys head out. The car ride there is silent, but we can all tell what each other is thinking.

Once we reach the field, we all start our pre-game stretches.

"Ok guys, we got this; just think about your place and remember what we did at practice," I say, trying to hype them up. It definitely didn't work.

The first half goes by fast, and we're doing pretty well. It's 2-0, but it can still turn around.

Once the second half reaches, we score another goal, making it 3-0.

There's about 5 minutes left, and The sharks are catching up; it's 2-3, and we can't have a tie.

Once I get the ball, I pass it up to Carter, who passes it to Sam. Sam then runs up and crosses it over to me, and I score.

Thank god.

After we're done celebrating after the game, I walk over to the girls.

"Hey, good job," Grace says.

"Yeah, you played awesome," Lia says.

"Hey handsome You played amazing," Ava says, smiling. I see she's wearing my jersey. How the fuck did she get that?

Thanks," I say, smiling back.

Once we're all done talking, We go back home, and I head straight to bed.

God, am I tired.


word count:780

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