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These next few days have been so stressful.

I haven't slept since the night at the diner.

Madison is done with bed rest and is back to ignoring me. I just feel like my life is done.

Sam told me the football house is having a party tonight, and I think I'll go and get laid.

I need something to distract my mind.

I get ready for practice by packing my bag and giving Sam and Carter a ride.

"Dude, you look like you haven't slept in days," Carter says.

"Oh, that's weird. I had a great sleep last night," I lie; I just physically can't tell them.

Once we arrive at practice, the coach tells us we have to do 10 laps around the field. Kill me now.

1 hour and 45 minutes later, practice is done, and I get ready for the party.

I brush my teeth and make myself look presentable before I walk into the kitchen.

Madison is sitting on the counter, but I just decided to do what she does. Ignore her.

"Where are you going?" she says.

"Don't worry about it," I say, walking away.

What's the point of putting in energy when she doesn't give it back?

After about a 10-minute drive, I walk into the football house and instantly smell alcohol.

I grab myself a drink and walk around to find someone to be with tonight.

I see a blond chick from far away. She looks decent for tonight. I walk up to her, making small talk, and we go straight into a make-out session.

After she asks to continue at my house, I take her in my car and drive back to the soccer house. Once we're in, I see Grace,Lia,and Madison on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey, Hunter, want to watch with us? I hear Madison yell, but I don't answer and just walk past her up to my room with the blond girl.


The next morning, I woke up with this chick tangled in me. I untangle myself as I take a shower and get ready for the day.

When she wakes up, I tell her to leave while she goes on about how I'm dumb and how I shouldn't use girls for sex. I tune her out while she walks out the door.

" someone got laid," I hear Carter say.


"we're all going to the girls volleyball game today. Are you coming?"

"No, I think I'll pass. I'm not feeling good." I just don't want to go.


Maddison Scott

It's been about one week since the accident. and I'm halfway through recovery.

I'm allowed to walk around and can be on electronics for a minimum of two hours. Im thinking of just using that time to watch movies with Grace and Lia.

I feel like Hunter has been avoiding me recently. I hate him, but he's not teasing me as much anymore.

I don't know what's up with him, but I really don't care.

The doctor said I can't play volleyball for at least a week after my recovery, so for now I'm just going to be watching our practices and games.

I'm currently sitting at the kitchen counter, eating cereal, when I see Hunter getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it, he says harshly.

bitchy much.

A few hours later, Grace and Lia come over, and we watch a movie together. Around half way through, Hunter walks in, and not seeing who he's with, I ask if he wants to watch with us. and he just walks right past me with a blond chick linking onto him.

I don't care.


I wake up the next day feeling excited because it's our first game of the season. I mean, I can't play, but I'm excited to watch Grace and Lia.

I think Sam and Carter are coming to watch as well.

We all decided to drive together, with Sam and Carter in the front and us girls in the back.

Once we get there, Grace and Lia join the rest on the court as me, Carter, and Sam find a place to sit.

Let's hope we win.

I think i'm going to make the chapters a bit longer so you guys have more to read!

word count:723

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