|Chapter 1| Another Chance

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"This is English"

"This is Japanese"

Warnings: Death, Suicide(Cuz Dazai), Swearing


Everything was going fine.

Until I decided to annoy a random dog

I ran in the heavy rain. Water splashing where I stepped. I was running late-night errands to get snacks from a convenience store when the rain started. My shoes were soaked by water. I knew I should've brought an umbrella. If I did, I wouldn't be dripping wet from this heavy rainfall.

The rain seemed to pound even heavier as I ran across a corner to an alleyway, a shortcut to my apartment. The familiar cement pavement was slippery from the rain, making it hard to run on top of. Just a couple turns from here is the back of my place. How I can't wait to dry off and just eat these snacks as I continue reading manga in warmth.


I stopped in my tracks and turned to my right. There was a stray dog, soaked by the rain. I stared at it for a while.

"Grr...Woof! Woof!"

...Yeah, I don't think it likes me.

The dog growled more at me, but it didn't go away from its spot. I crouched down a little, an idea coming out of my mind. A stupid idea at that. But, I decided to go with it anyway.

I barked back at it.

The canine was confused at first, then it was even more pissed off. It let out a low growl, which turned into a loud bark. I really angered it more now.

It started bolting towards me. Fangs bared. With the purpose of trying to bite me.


That was my cue to run away. I held tightly to the plastic bag at hand and ran towards the opposite direction of the dog, which was also the opposite direction of my apartment. It was hot on my trail, a few feet away from me. I ran for dear life.

The alleyway is a long one, with only one turn to the right. The slight fog the rain brought was sort of inconvenient when I'm trying to see where I'm going.

I rushed to the turning point, sliding a bit to slow down when it was about to come. When the turn came, I turned my head around to see the dog barking and chasing after me.

"LOOK I'M SORRYYYY!" I yelled as I kept my gaze locked on the dog, still running away from it.

It barked back but it didn't stop. In fact, it started running faster after me. Maybe I shouldn't have done that. It's a bad idea to piss off dogs everyone, don't try to do what I did.

I continued to run, faster than how I ran in P.E class. I still kept eyeing the dog and the distance between us. The end of the alleyway is near. A street light illuminating the exit.

I shot a glance at the street by the opening of the alleyway. The street is empty. No cars, I can run across it. Hopefully, I'll shake the dog off my trail. Man, I just wanted to go back home, why did I even do that.

The dog barked again. I looked back at it, still running fast like my life depended on it. I reached the end of the alleyway and headed for the street.

Beep Beep!!!

...It happened so fast.

One moment I turned my head around to face the street, the next I felt a huge impact on my left side.

To the Stray Dogs |GN!Reader x BSD|Where stories live. Discover now