|Chapter 3| Warm Welcome: Part 1

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Warnings: Minor swearing.


10 months before main plot, two months after [Name] got isekai'd

I sigh as I finish organizing a box of books on the shelf, the sun rising on the windows of this cozy atmosphere. Thankfully, I had gotten a job at a small library in Yokohama a few weeks ago, but I just had to get the night shift. It's in the same street as the Agency, so I can interfere with the plot easier with the short distance between them.

The system had given minor [Quests] for me to do, like befriending characters, helping out the said characters, etc. I had saved up around 100,000 [Coins] because of those. And if I'm not fortunate enough, the [Coins] can be exchanged for yen.

I click the [Home] button, going into the [Upgrades].

|Upgrade [Language] skill:|
|Select amount: _____|

I put in 3000 [Coins], waiting a bit.

|Upgraded [Language] skill from level two to level three of five!].|
|You can now: Understand Advanced Japanese, Speak Basic » Medium Japanese, +Read and Write Hiragana.|

That's good, I can communicate more.

|New Quest Available!|
|Get character: [Dazai Osamu] and [Kunikida Doppo] to level [Friend].|
|You already have [Dazai Osamu] in level [Friend].|
|Rewards: 5,000 [Coins], and a special upgrade!|
|Penalty: Downgrade of all [Skills] by one level.|
|Time limit: one week.|
|Accept quest?|
|Yes| |No|

Welp, there's no harm in accepting that.


"Oh, [Name]-chan!~" A familiar voice echoes through the otherwise silent library.

The brunet walks over where I was, looking rather happy to see me.

"Kindly quiet down, Dazai, we're in a library." I quietly scold the male, for I sense pairs of eyes on us.

He lowered down his voice a bit. "Oops."

I use a cutter to remove the tape on a cardboard box. A label written in hiragana stuck on the side. "Psychology books..." I mutter out loud as I try to read it, a bit surprised that I could fully understand.

Dazai's eyes shone. "You've gotten so well in Japanese in such a short amount of time, [Name]-chan!" He whisper-shouted with a tone of proudness.

I gave a soft smile before turning back to face him. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, just hiding from Kunikida-kun, also got a bit bored from work." He grins.

"Alright." I place the books neatly on a bottom shelf where they belong. "Don't cause too much trouble for me."

"Yes ma'am." He chuckled. "So... when will your shift be over?"

I hum in thought before answering. "Probably in 30 minutes or so, since it's already nearing 6 AM. Why?" I gently place another book on the shelf.

"Can you join me in a double suicide?"


"Just kidding"

'Yeah right...'


My footsteps clanked on the now familiar pavement as I went on my way to the Agency with the suicidal maniac. During my two months here, I managed to get on most of the members' good sides because of Dazai dragging me with him there whenever he's bored. That resulted in me helping them out with paperwork whenever I have free time.

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